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We were all shocked. Especially me. Like what this soon? But then again look at Romeo and Juliet. But still. "Listen Eric." Gene said calmly. "We know you like Brooke, and we like her too but don't you think you're rushing it?" "Yeah man I mean it's your choice of course, but at least hear us out." Paul said. "Whatever you two decide to do we'll support you." Bruce added kindly. I closed my eyes. Perhaps their right, but on the other hand, life's so short. Eric thought about what they said for a moment. He sighed and stood up, and said, "I'm going to do it. I'm going to marry you, Miss Brooke." He got down one knee. I looked at him with a surprised look on my face. The rest of the band looking surprised too. "So, Brooke, will you marry me?" Eric asked, squeezing my hand gently. Oh my God. I bit my lip trying to fight tears and I finally said, "Yes, Eric. I will!" Eric smiled and hugged and kiss me. Gene Paul and Bruce stood up and applauded us. "Congratulations!" They all said at once. Eric and I thanked them and we decided to set up wedding arrangements and decided to have a private wedding at St. Joseph's church. Pretty much we got it all settled *snap* just like that!

"Well thank you fellas I really do appreciate it." Eric said softly. "I do too." I added. "We got your backs ." Paul assured us. "So we'll see you at the church tomorrow afternoon." Gene said. They all left and Eric and I were alone again. Wow what a fuckin day! "Oh Eric." I said as he pulled me into his arms. "I can't believe this is happening!" Eric kissed my neck and held me tight. "I know, me either." He said in between kisses. He then motioned me to follow him to the bedroom and closed the door behind me after I entered and when I turn around there he was taking off his shirt. Lord have mercy. I stared at him hungrily as he slowly and gently started taking off my shirt. My breasts were exposed and Eric smiled at my body and pulled me down onto the bed. We were making love and it seemed to have lasted just about all night. Sweating and panting, we lie there in each other's arms and fell asleep.

The next morning, aka the day of our wedding, we had shit to do to get ready like shower eat dress up etc. Ugh so much shit! I finished my shower and I dried my hair, put it up in what they call an updo bun, and Gene brought over a really nice wedding dress for me to wear that day. It was nothing fancy which was fine and it was still pretty. It was white with lace at the top and silk satin at the bottom. Oh and let's not forget my veil! "Thanks Gene!" I said and he came in and waited for me and Eric to get ready. I put on the dress zipped it up put on the veil put on these silver rhinestoned high heeled shoes and Lordy I was ready. Eric was waiting out in the living room with Gene and when he saw me come out, he was swooned. "My God," he said breathlessly as I walked up to him. "You're so beautiful. Look at you!" I chuckled and thanked him and Gene drove us to Babylon New York to the church and met up with Paul and Bruce. They were wearing white tuxedos as so was Gene. It was going on 11:50. Almost time!

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