Married Life! :)

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Eric, Gene, Paul, Bruce and I started moving all of my stuff out of my old apartment and moved it all into Eric's apartment now that we're married. It just seems surreal. Ya know. But I'm loving it though. "This is it, starting our lives together." Eric said with a big smile on his face as he helped me unpack. "Sure is." I said as I put clothes away. Eric wrapped his arms around my waist as he stood behind me and kissed my neck. Gene and the rest of the band finished bringing everything in and we offered them glasses of water and something to eat. It had been a long ass day of moving shit ugh. Moving is exhausting. "Seriously we're really happy for you guys." Paul said as he bit into his turkey sandwich. "Thanks. Even though it was rather fast, BUT, I'm the end it was worth it and I love him." I replied after I took a drink of water. The band all nodded. They could see the love we have for each other. "Agreed." Eric said as he kissed my hand. "I will love you forever for the rest of my life." I blushed and his band mates just awed. "So what are your plans for the rest of the day?" Bruce asked us. "I mean we still gotta unpack but it's not a huge deal at this point." I said. "We could use a break!" We all just laughed. "Well we kind of need to do some rehearsing so if you want to, Brooke you can come tag along." Gene offered. Well pfft I'm not just gonna sit here on my ass bored.... Missing my husband haha. "Sure what the fuck." I chuckled. Eric laughed. "Then 'sure what the fuck' it is." Paul said with a chuckle. Hell yeah.

******A few hours into rehearsal****

"Ok good job guys." Paul said as he clapped his hands together. We'll do great for our video shoot." They were working on a song called 'God Gave Rock and Roll to you.'  And so far with the rehearsals I was impressed. My mind was blown and I had goosebumps on every inch of my body. "I'm loving it so far." I said with a huge smile in my face. "Thanks Brooke." Gene said as he patted my head. "Yeah thank you Mrs. Carr." Paul added with a chuckle. I laughed too. I HAD to get used to being called that. "Well I'm glad you liked it, sweetheart." Eric said softly as he kissed my cheek. Yeah this song is going to be the bomb I know it. Eric and I went home later on that snowy Saturday evening and crashed on the couch. "Shit I'm beat." Eric said. I laughed and replied, "Yeah well I'm sure you are, after drinking the hell out of those drums." Eric shook his head and laughed. "True but in the end it's all worth it." I nodded as I cuddled up to him. We were quiet for the rest of the night just watching the snow fall outside the window until we fell asleep.

The next morning, Sunday, I woke up and didn't see Eric. I accidentally fell off the couch not knowing I was on the very edge. Ha. Clumsy ass me. "Eric?" I called out for him. I peeked in the kitchen, he wasn't there. I looked in the bathroom, wasn't there. What the fuck? Last but not least I checked the bedroom. Hmm, so far--well wait I had to check the closet. I slowly opened the closet door and Eric jumped out, scaring the living piss out of me. "Yo what the hell?" I screamed as I landed on my ass. Eric laughed as he helped me up. "Hehe I got you good." He said with a sexy smirk. "Yes. Yes you did." I agreed as he pulled me into his arms to kiss me. "But why though? What the fuck." "Cuz, I'm your husband." Eric said with a wink. Ah haha. Yes that's true. I bit my lip and nodded. "Good point." I said with a chuckle. "I love you Brooke." Eric said softly. I took his hand and placed it on my chest. "I love you too." I replied quietly.

***TRIGGER WARNING: the end of the story will potentially mention suicide so if you have a weak stomach and are not willing to read that part of the story then avoid that part of the story*****

/Three years later/

The passed few days I've been worried about Eric. He hadn't been feeling well. Which fucking scares me. He had said he was having chest pains, coughing up blood etc. I had no choice but to take him to the ER. They had run tests on him and everything and they had said his health seemed like it was something manageable like pneumonia and they had sent him home with prescribed medicine. I'm still rather worried though.

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