I pretty much cried during the whole video shoot because of how sick Eric looked. If only he didn't have cancer. Dammit! This fucking hurts. But they all did a tremendous job though and I of course loved the song and their performance. "Well done fellas." I said as I applauded them after they put down their instruments. "Thank you so much Brooke." Gene said gently. "We appreciate it." I nodded my 'you're welcomes' to them and sadly looked at my husband Eric. "Are you okay, love?" I whispered as I placed my hand on his cheek. He didn't look good at all, and I hated to say that but it was true. He looked so pale and fragile, I could barely see his eyebrows, and of course him having to wear the wig. This wasn't the same Eric I had met and fell in love with at the concert. I guess cancer does that to you. "I guess so." Eric replied sadly as he placed his hand over my chest. "If something happens, just remember that I love you, always will, no matter what no matter where I go and where I am." Oh fuck that was sad and painful to hear. I teared up and started crying all over again. Gene Paul and Bruce all looked over at me with sad eyes. "I love you too Eric." I choked on sobs. "I always have and I always will."
"Hey, Brooke." Gene said as he walked up behind me putting his hand in my shoulder. "If you need to talk, you know where to find us." I nodded as I wiped away my tears. "Thanks Gene, I really appreciate it." I said gloomily. "In case I haven't said it, you guys are truly my rock heroes, you too babe!" I said to each one of the KISS members including my Eric. They all smiled at me and we all group hugged. We all just gotta stay strong for Eric and pray for him. That's all we can do unfortunately.
****Moving to November 24 1991****
That day was the worst day of my life. Eric had been rushed to the hospital due to a hemorrhage in his head and he also suffered an aneurysm but unfortunately the doctors couldn't do anything, Eric had gone into a coma and just never gained consciousness. That was it. He died later on that day. Words can not describe how I was feeling. Devastated. Shocked. Sad. Angry. Pained. I sat there in the hospital looking at his lifeless body, tears flooding my eyes. I took his hand in mine and told him how much I loved him and still do, and always will, everything. I just can't believe I lost him. My husband, my best friend, my everything. Why, just why? This world is so damn cruel. I fucking hate this. I held him in my arms one last time and then they took his body out of the room and wheeled him out. I had called Gene Paul and Bruce to come pick me up and take me to St. Joseph's church where we had gotten married, and now where his funeral will be. I can't believe this.....
I waited outside of the hospital and Gene who was driving pulled up and they all got out of their car to hug me. "I'm so sorry Brooke." Gene said, hugging me tightly. "Eric was a great drummer, a good friend, and a good husband to you." I nodded as I sobbed into his arms. "We loved him too," Paul added as he rubbed my back. "He was like a brother to us." Bruce sad sadly. We all got into the car and left the hospital and we were on our way to his funeral. This can't be happening. No. It just can't be! Why God why? We got to the funeral just in time and there was a lot of Eric's friends and family. Everyone watched with sad eyes as I slowly walked towards his open casket. The Priest stepped aside to let me have one last look at my now deceased husband. I said everything I needed to say to him, kissed him once more, and then everybody else got a chance to speak and share memories of Eric. Man. Such a sad day and a big loss for everybody, especially me.
I got to shake hands with most of Eric's friends and family at the end of the funeral. They all seemed like such nice people. I asked the Priest and Gene and Bruce and Paul if I could have some time alone with Eric one more time before they take his casket away and they agreed to do so and left the chapel. Well this is it. The final goodbye. Oh God please give me strength. I looked over into the casket and said, "Eric I'm so so sorry." I sobbed uncontrollably. "I wish this shit would have been prevented. I don't know...... I hate this. I just can't see myself living without you." That's just it. I can't. I can't go on. I don't have the heart do it. I dug into my purse and found a pocket knife. Well you know what, Eric? Scratch that. I WILL be seeing you again and soon. I opened the knife and I plunged it deep into my stomach. I groaned and moaned loudly, the whole chapel echoing. Blood was everywhere. Pain, lots of pain was happening, and I immediately started to look so pale. My breathing got lighter. I breathed one last breath for one last time and I fell to the floor. That was it. I was dead. Gene and Paul and Bruce walked back into the chapel and gasped when they saw my body. "Brooke! Oh no no no no." Gene yelled as he came running towards me. He picked up my body and saw the knife sticking out of my stomach, blood leaking out of me, eyes rolled in the back of my head and my skin now looking even more pale.
Bruce and Paul too saw my lifeless body and just sobbed. "She was such a good girl." Paul said sympathetically. "We knew how much her and Eric loved each other." "Man why couldn't we have helped her?" Bruce said sadly as he looked at mine and Eric's bodies. Gene just shook his head. "Because..... Her love for Eric was just too deep." He said with a sigh. "She just couldn't seem to go on without him." They all nodded and I was placed into a casket too and they put me and Eric in separate hearses for us to be buried in a mausoleum in Newburgh New York. It was called Cedar Hill Cemetery and Mausoleum. They put mine and Eric's caskets in the same crypt and engraved both of our names onto the marble stone. Gene Paul and Bruce all said their prayers and goodbyes to ys and left the mausoleum. Well at least I got to hang out with all of my rock heroes, including my Eric. This isn't how our life should have been.

Chilling With KISS
Fanfictionthis will be a short story and it will be about me basically time traveling to 1988 at a KISS concert just a little something to work on while I'm coming up with more ideas for my previous story