2. Unknown Plan

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"Sir, your work is done" Aryan's private investigator informed him.

He evilly smiled, thinking about his plan. "Get me the file!" he ordered and cut the call.

"Finally, the day will come where in you will see who I am" he mentally smirked.

After half an hour, his private investigator reached to his office.

"Sir, here is the file" he gave that file to him.

"You may go now. If you find any extra information, then let me know," He ordered.

"Sure, sir" that investigator left from there.

Aryan opened that file. His jaw clenched looking at the name written on the file.

"You will pay for your deeds, and I will make sure of it," he mumbled between his gritted teeth.


"Sir!" Neil's PA Jacob came running to  his cabin.

"What happened, Jacob?" Neil asked, getting up from his chair.

"Si-sir, Sharma's and Mishra's are refusing to make a deal with us"

"What?" He was shocked. "But yesterday they were ready. How can they do like this with us now?"

"Sir, I tried to convince them a lot, but they are not ready to listen," Jacob told him. "Sir, you try and see, maybe they will listen to you"

"Yeah, I will try"

Neil dialled their number.

"Hello, Mr. Mishra, Mr.Arora here"

"Yes, Mr. Arora"

"My PA was saying that you and Sharma's are refusing to make a deal with us. May I know the reason because yesterday you were promised us that-"

"I am sorry, Mr.Arora but we can't make a deal with you"

"But, why?"

They cut the call without answering his question.

"Dammit!" Neil banged his fist on the table.

"Sir, what they are saying?" Jacob asked seeing his boss pissed off.

"They said they don't want to make a deal with us..... He cut the call!" He ranked his hand through his hair.

What happened to them suddenly? Yesterday they were all ready for this, then what happened to them today?

Neil was all confused.

His phone started ringing on his table.


"Hello, Mr. Arora. Your voice is seemed like you were crying on losing something."

Neil gritted his teeth in anger.

"I know, it's all done by you" his voice was full of hatred.

On other side the person started laughing, "you are really a mastermind, Mr. Arora"

"What do you want and why are you doing this?" Neil raised his voice while getting up from his chair.
"Or are you jealous of my company?" Neil mocked him, which made the other person laugh more.

"Ha-ha-ha..Seri-seriously, you are talking like a five- year kid, Mr. Arora. You are very well know about my position but still you are talking about this jealousy..tsk tsk.. not fair"

Neil was beyond angry. He fisted his hands.
"Come to the point and tell me why you are doing this and what are you getting by doing this?"

"You will come to know very soon what I want and why I am doing this..have little patience. This is just a start. Wait for another few days. I have planned a big surprise for you" he said and cut the call.

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