5. Mind In Confusion

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Niya's POV

I read the papers and what I read made me totally shocked. At the same time my blood boiled in anger.

Those were the papers of marriage agreement.
It was clearly written there that I have to marry him if I want my brother free.

How dare he to put this in front of me?

"What rubbish is this? Are you out of your mind?!" I threw the papers back on the table.

The evil smile was still playing on his lips.

There is something in his cunning mind. He is planning something.

"I am giving you an option," he said, getting up from his chair.


I didn't say a word. I just remained silent.

How can he be so selfish?

He looked at me and then continued, "if you don't want to get married to me then ask your sister. Either you or her....otherwise forget about me releasing your so-called brother from the jail. Let him rot in the jail."

"Don't even think that I will allow my sister to marry you!" I spat.

He chuckled. "Seems like you don't love your brother"

"I don't know what enmity you have with my brother, but what you are doing is wrong. It's wrong to spoil other's life" I tried to make him understand.

His face hardened, "you don't have to tell me what is right and what is wrong!" he said by clenching his teeth.
"But remember one thing, the more time you will take to sign these papers, the more your so-called brother will suffer there."

"I will never sign these papers! But I promise, I will bring my brother out from the jail," I told him with confidence.

I will not let my brother suffer there.

I turned to go and was about to open the door when his voice stopped me.

"Try and try but you will never get succeed in this. But remember, my options are always open, but the decision will be yours."

I ignored him, gulping my anger and left from there.

I don't know what to do, but one thing I know, I will not let my sister marry to that heartless monster.

Stupid man.

There must be other options too. I will find solution of this problem. I will not give up easily.


I entered the house. Jas and Zara were pacing around by calling someone on their phones. Maybe lawyers?

I went and sat on the sofa. As soon as they saw me, they rushed towards me.

"Niya, you came? What did he say?" Jasmine asked, looking at me hopefully.

There was only hope on her face.

Sorry, Jas.

"Do you become deaf, Niya?!" Zara snapped at me. "Can't you hear what Jas is asking you?!"

"Niya, please tell what did he say? Is he ready to help us?" Jas asked me impatiently.

"He is ready to help us," I said. Hearing this a smile came on their lips, "but-" their smile vanished and frown appeared on their head.

"But? But what, Niya?!" Jas shook me.

"But in return I have to marry him" her hold loosened from my hands.

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