23. Something has Changed

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It's been one month to that night. Since that day, there has been a little difference in their relationship. Difference brought by Niya.

Since she learned about his heartbreak, she feels pity for him.

She came to know that he is not one who shows. Though he shows his dominant nature, he is not like that.
Something is making him to do that. That reasons she still doesn't know.

She knows he is treating her badly but her heart tells her to do good for him.

He is lonely, just like her.

She has Neil, Zara, and Jasmine whom she can call her family, but he doesn't have anyone.

The way he was crying that night, hurt her heart. She knows how it feels when your family leaves you.

Who can understand him better than her? The only a person who had gone through that pain could understand other's pain.

It's easy to console others and give them hope, but we don't understand how that person feels or what's going on in that person's heart and mind.

She doesn't know why she is doing all this when he doesn't give a damn about what she is doing. She only does what her heart tells her to do.

She cooks and waits for him until he comes. Though she doesn't know what he likes or dislikes, she still cooks. Though she eats in the kitchen and he eats at the dinning table, she still waits for him.

Whenever he comes late, he could find her falling asleep on the table, waiting for him.

He doesn't know what's going on in her mind. But he likes it when she waits for him. Though he is not used to someone waiting for him, he likes it. It makes him feel like there is someone in his house who waits for him.

Earlier, his maid used to prepare dinner and go back to their home, but now it's changed.

The foods she cooks bring back memories of his mother. She cooks the same as his mom. It's not like she cooks exactly same like his mother, but can say that she cooks it with love.

It irritates him when she falls asleep waiting for him. Not because she falls asleep; it's because she waits for him even though she has to stay for him till 2:00 in the morning without having food.

She doesn't forget to wait for him to have food.

Though they never talk with each other, they could say that there is a little change in them.

This changes making something in Aryan. It makes him forget why he married her. It makes him forget about the hatred he has for her and her brother, which he somehow doesn't want to forget.

She got up when she saw Aryan enter the house. It was already 12:30 in the morning.

She was about to turn to go to the kitchen to heat the food when Aryan stopped her, saying, "I already had my food," which made her dissapointed, but still she nodded and was about to leave from there.

"Did you have your food?" He asked, still knowing the answer.

She slowly shook her head. "I do-don't have an appetite to eat," she replied.

"And may I know why?" He asked. "Go and eat your food now," he said in a stern tone.

"I-" she was about to deny.

"Niya," he said her name more like a warning.

She sighed in defeat and went to the kitchen to eat.

He has noticed that she is becoming weaker day by day. Maybe because she is not having her food properly, he thought.

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