13. Humiliations

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Since morning, she has been doing all the work without taking a single break. She was all tired.

How can a single person do all the chores of a big mansion?

Her whole body was hurting.

She never did these chores alone in her house then how will she do it now? She always used to take the help of the maids, but here there was not a single maid whom she could ask for help.

She is married to the person who made her his maid.

She smiled bitterly at her fate.

Now she was cooking for the friends of Aryan.

She heard footsteps coming to the kitchen.

Aryan entered the kitchen.

Niya just glanced at him and continued doing her work.

Aryan also ignored her and took out one water bottle from the fridge and started gulping.

Niya sighed in relief looking at him going out of the kitchen, but her eyes widened when she saw him halting his steps.

She immediately lowered her head and continued doing her work, but Aryan came and held her arm.

"Don't even dare tell my friends that you are my wife. If you tell them about our marriage, then you will have to bear all the consequences," he warned her with a dangerous tone, at which she shivered in fear.

She immediately nodded.

They heard the doorbell ringing.

Aryan left her arm and went to open the door, not before giving another angry glare at Niya.

She lowered her head and continued with her work.

"Surprise!" As soon as Aryan opened the door, they all shouted.

Aryan just rolled his eyes.
"This is not a surprise, guys. I already knew you were coming," he said.

"Come inside."

They all came inside and settled themselves on the sofa.

"Where is she?" Danish enquired, smirking.

He pointed towards the kitchen.

They all smiled wickedly.

They were all talking when Niya came with glasses of juice for them.

"Is this your new maid, Aryan? Because I never seen her before?" Isha asked Aryan.

"Yeah, she is my new maid," he replied, which hurt Niya.

"By the way, your maid is beautiful," Danish commented, taking juice from Niya.

Aryan smirked, looking at Niya.

Niya forwarded one glass of juice to Isha. Isha intentionally dropped the glass while taking it from her.

"Are you mad? Don't you have eyes?" Isha started shouting at Niya.

"I am sorry." Niya knew that it was Isha's mistake, but still she apologised not wanting to create a drama there.

"Aryan, why did you hire her when she doesn't know how to work?" Isha snapped at him.

Aryan glared at Niya.

"Do you know how expensive this dress is?" Isha yelled at Niya. "Oh, I am sorry, how can a maid like you know?" She taunted Niya, which made Niya lose her patience.

"Maam, first of all, I have also seen money. And second, it was your mistake. You didn't hold your glass properly." She snapped at her.

Her answer angered Isha, and she slapped her, which made all of them gasp.

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