12. Waiting To Have Fun With Her

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Niya's POV

"What do you mean by that shop is not mine?" I asked.

"It was yours, sweetheart" he said, putting more pressure on word 'was', shoving his hands in his pockets. "Now it is mine," he added, which shocked me.

"That shop is still mine, Mr. Aryan Obroi," I argued back.

How can he say that my shop is his?

He went towards the drawer and took out one blue file from it.

It was the same file that he had given me that day to sign before our marriage.

He forwarded that file to me. "Read this."

I took that file and read it, and what I read next made me still. It says in the papers that I, Niya Arora, am transferring ownership of the 'Niya's Flower Shop' to Mr. Aryan Obroi, and I will not have any rights over that shop any more.

Tears started gathering in my eyes.

I slowly looked down at the corner of the paper. There was my sign. That means on that day, he also gave me these papers to sign.

How can he do this to me?

I threw that file on the floor and grabbed his collar.

"How can you do this to me, huh?" I shouted at him.

He freed his collar from my grip and chuckled, "I didn't do anything. You yourself gave that to me. Before you sign, I already told you to read the papers before signing, but my soon-to-be wife was blindly trusting her soon- to-be husband," he said in a sarcastic tone.

It angered me, and I raised my hand to slap him, but he caught my hand and twisted my arm behind my back.

I felt like my hand bones were breaking.

"Aryan, leave me."

"Next time, don't dare raise your hands on me. If you do so, I will break it," he warned me, gritting his teeth.

"Leave me, you are hurting me." I tried to wiggle free from his hold, but as much as I tried to free myself, I was hurting more.

"Leave me, you monster," I hissed.

He left me, pushing me, and I was about to fall on the floor, but I stopped myself from fall.

"That shop is mine now. But that shop is very small, so I was thinking of breaking it up and building one big building there," he said.

"Don't even dare think like that, Mr. Aryan Obroi." I warned him, but it didn't affect him.

He started laughing."Who are you to tell me? The owner is me now. So I can make anything I want."

How can he be so cruel?

"So, if you got all your answers, then go and finish the remaining work before I get back from the office," he ordered. "And don't you dare step out of this mansion without my permission," he warned, dangerously glaring at me, and left with his laptop and that file.

My legs started to weaken, causing me to fall on the floor on my knees.

How could he do that?

What have I done to him that he is behind me and my brother to destroy us?

That flower shop was everything to me. That was the only source of income for me.

I know my brother earns lots of money from his company, but I never asked anything from him when I used to earn from my flower shop.

At least I was not dependent on others, but now this monster has  snatched everything from me. How can he do that? How?

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