11. His Cruelty

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She woke up at 4'oclock and started doing her work, which Aryan had given her. There were no maid could be seen as today onwards they are going for long vacations which Aryan had given them starting today.

Her legs were still hurting a little, but she didn't care about it as she had to do all the work. He has already warned her that she had to complete all the work before he came back from the office. Otherwise, she doesn't know what he will do with her.

"I will complete the half work and go to my shop. And I will do the remaining work after returning back from the shop." She thought.

She entered the room, which was screaming with luxury. Everything was perfectly arranged, but what caught her attention was the family photo hanging on the wall. She slowly went towards the photo and looked at it. There was one man and one woman with one little girl and one little boy. The boy was sitting on that woman's lap, and that small girl was sitting on that man's lap looking at that boy. They all had smiley faces.

Looking at the boy, anyone could say that he was Aryan. His nose, those eyes were the same as Aryan's.

Is this his family?

If so, then where are they? Why are they not living here with him?

Are they living aboard?

Many questions started to occur in her mind.

Then her gaze fell on the photo of a girl, which was kept on the table with a vase of white roses beside it.

She took that photo in her hand and traced her finger on it. That girl in the photo had a beautiful smile with a mole beside her upper lip.

This girl....

I saw her somewhere, but I can't remember where. But I am sure I know this girl.

Who is she to Aryan?

Is she his girlfriend? But why is her photo here with flowers?

Has she died?

"Niya, what are you even thinking?" She scolded herself in her mind for thinking about someone's death.

But where did I see that girl?

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, at which she was startled and the photo fell from her hand and shattered into pieces.

Her eyes widened in fear. She gulped and then slowly looked towards the bathroom door where Aryan was standing there all red with fury. His eyes were blazing with anger.

Looking at him, she turned white in fear. She wanted to run from there, but she was fully paralysed with fear as she couldn't command her legs to run.

He was marching towards her like an angry bull who was ready to attack her.

She slowly tried to take steps back, but before she could take more steps back, he grabbed her arm, digging his nails into it, and before she knew it, a hard slap stung her cheek, making her fall to the floor. 

Tears started streaming down her cheek as she touched her cheek.

He bent to her level and grabbed her arm again.
"How dare you touch that photo with your filthy hand?" He asked, gritting his teeth. "How dare you?" He yelled, tightening his grip around her.

His hold was hurting her.

"Please, lea-leave me, I am sorry," she said, while trying to free herself from his hold, but his hold was way stronger.

"How dare you come into my room without my permission and touch that photo?"

"I-I am so-sorry, I had come here to clean," she said between her sobs, but he was not ready to listen to her. He was fuming in anger.

"Don't give me that silly excuse," he shouted.

"Please le-leave me, I am saying the truth," she cried. His hold was hurting her.

He left her arm and made her stand up by grabbing her hair.

He held her hand and pushed her out of his room, making her stumble back.

"Don't ever dare enter this room again!" He warned her in a dangerous tone.

She gulped, nodding her head, and ran from there, wiping her tears.

She cleaned the other rooms and went to prepare breakfast. It took her almost two hours to clean those rooms.

She prepared sandwiches and pancakes and also made coffee for Aryan. After keeping the breakfast on the table, she went to dress up to go to her flower shop.

She wore her black jeans and a dark blue top and went downstairs.

Aryan was not there at the dining table. All the breakfast was untouched.

She shrugged and went to the kitchen to make herself a coffee.

After making the coffee, she was about to take a sip of it when she heard a shattering sound from the dining area.

She ran into the dining area, and what she saw next made her gasp.

The coffee mug was on the floor, shattered into three pieces, and the coffee was scattered on the floor.

"What the hell is this?!" Aryan shouted at her, getting up from his chair.

Niya flinched.

He was all ready wearing his office attire.

"Is this called coffee? Has anybody not taught you how to make coffee?" He started yelling at her. "Who makes this type of disgusting coffee? Oops! I forgot that disgusting people only make disgusting things."

Niya felt humiliated by his words.

"I don't want to have this breakfast either!" he said, throwing all the plates on the floor.

"You are insulting the food, Mr. Obroi. Some people don't even get this food to eat for one day and you-"

"Just shut up and clean all that!" He snapped at her.

She knew he was deliberately doing all that to make her work.

She came with a bin and a broom to clean up the mess Aryan had created.

He smirked, looking at her state. The dark circles under her eyes were the sign that she hadn't slept at night properly. She was looking very tired.

This is just a start, Miss. Niya Arora. Just wait and see what is waiting for you.

He smiled evilly and went back to his room to get his laptop.

After cleaning everything, Niya had her coffee and was taking her bag to go to work when a voice stopped her.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Niya sighed and turned back.

Aryan was standing there on the stairs, one hand in his pocket and the other hand on his laptop.

"I am going to my flower shop. I will do the remaining work after I come back," she replied.

He walked down the stairs, kept his laptop on the table, and stood up in front of her.

"Your flower shop?" He asked, knitting his brows, but his tone contained something different.

"But as far as I know, that shop is not yours," he added.

Niya frowned.

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