Chapter 4: The Villa

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George was met by Bad on the way out.

"Lord Marleigh!" the brunette called with a smile, "Karl and I have been instructed to escort you to the villa."

George smiled, what a blessing that the servants were not broody like their master.

When they reached the front of the manor, Skeppy and Sapnap were untying their personal horses from the back of the coach. Karl and Bad said that they would drive the coach, so the three men could ride their horses to the villa.

George asked the general direction of the villa, and Karl told him that they would reach it, as long as they followed the dirt road. With that, George mounted his horse, and waited for his companions to do the same.

He then shot  Sapnap and Skeppy a smirk. "Race you boys to the villa," he said before snapping his horse's reins, and dashing down the road.

His two friends smiled, happy to see that their master stayed the same no matter what the situation. They quickly gave chase, leaving Karl and Bad to slowly make their way towards their destination.

The wind brushed against George's cheek, causing him to smile. Oh how he loved this feeling, it helped him forget everything that was happening, even for just a moment. Their failing business, the poor starving on the streets, the corrupt monarchy, the Duke, it all vanished from his mind. It was just him and his horse, soaring through the wind.

He heard the yells of his two companions, and glanced back to see them slowly approaching. He gave them a smile before facing forward once again. He leaned over and stroked his horse gently, "Come on Maximus, let's show them what you're made of." he encouraged.

As if the horse understood him, the magnificent animal picked up speed. George turned around once again, to see his two friends slowly fade away in the distance. "That's my boy!" George cheered.

He slowed his horse to a trot when they neared the villa. He jumped off his horse, and gripped its reins as he led it closer to the villa. It wasn't that big, in fact it was a far cry from the manor that he used to live in, but George loved it. He turned his head to gaze at the crystal clear waters of the lake nearby, and led Maximus closer so he could drink.

George gently ran his fingers over the stallion's midnight coat, till he heard the sound of hooves fast approaching. He saw his friends jump off their steads, and head towards him.

"You had an unfair start, My Lord." Skeppy pointed out, while feigning annoyance.

"Oh stop being a bad sport Skeppy. We both know that even with a fair start, I still would have won." George retorted smugly.

"The water looks mighty tempting My Lord," Sapnap said in a mischievous tone, and Skeppy caught his message.

Together they eyed their master and started towards him. Sensing that he was in danger, George quickly ran off.

"My Lord, the lake is calling for you!" Sapnap yelled, as he and Skeppy continued to chase after George, hoping that they could catch the Earl and dunk him into the lake. The three of them fell onto a pile on the ground, laughing and gasping for air.

George absolutely adored moments like this. He couldn't see why most masters would not build friendships with their servants. The three of them only got up when they heard the carriage approaching. They grabbed the reins of their horses, and guided them back to the villa.

"My Lord, what has happened to you?" Karl inquired, when he saw the dishevel state of the Earl and his companions.

"Hmm... oh nothing, just some harmless fun." George replied with a smile.

"I'll have a team of servants ready to tend to you, and the villa by tonight," Bad informed as he started unloading the Earl's bags from the coach, and Skeppy was quick to offer assistance.

"There will be no need, we shall take care of the place ourselves." George said, surprising the two brunettes.

"My Lord, the villa would be too much work for two people," Karl pointed out, as he motioned towards Sapnap and Skeppy.

"Ah but there are three of us," George replied, as he flashed the valet a smile.

"Are you quite serious my Lord?" Bad asked.

"I have done my fair share of chores and quite enjoy them," the young Earl pointed out, surprising the two men.

George was amused by their reactions, but he understood. Most aristocrats could hardly dress by themselves, which was something that sadden the young Earl.

"Sapnap, will you take care of the horses for me?" He asked his raven head friend.

The man smiled and nodded, before taking all three horses by the reins and leading them towards the stable, while Skeppy continued to help Karl and Bad unload their baggage.

George in the meantime, was looking for something in particular among their belongings. He smiled when he spotted the large iron cage of his falcon.


Dream continued to stare out the window even after George had left. He stood there till he saw a flash of black race down the road that led to the villa. The rider was soon followed by two others, who the Duke could only identify as the Earl's servants.

He watched in awe as George tore down the dusty road, easily out-ridding his companion.

Well, he certainly could ride, Dream thought. [AN: Don't you Nasties dare (ᇂ_ᇂ)]

He waited for the carriage to pass, before heading back to the settee to finish his tea.

Dream closed his eyes as he sipped on his tea, and instantly the Earl's smug face appeared in his mind. He slowly let out a deep breath. George was always the subject of much gossip among the nobles and gentry. But what other people found scandalous, Dream found amusing. Though even he did not expect the Earl to be so interesting.

He thought back to their little talk earlier. No one had ever spoken to him like that before. The Earl was certainly an unique character, but Dream had no time for making new friends. He had a job to do, and could afford no distractions. He rang for one of the maids to take away what was left of his tea, then headed back to his desk. He had a lot of things to sort out.

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