Chapter 24: Back to the Slums

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"I'm sorry Your Grace, but the Lord hasn't left his chambers since yesterday. We leave his food outside his door, then come back to retrieve the empty plates afterwards." Sapnap explained, both he and Skeppy looked extremely worried.

Dream had come to apologize, with Karl and Bad in tow, since the two wanted to see Skeppy and Sapnap, but it was going to be hard with the Earl locked away in his room.

"May I?" Dream asked, as he motioned to George's door.

The Earl's servants nodded, then headed downstairs to chat with Karl and Bad.

"George?" Dream called out softly.

He could hear the ruffle of sheets, then silence.

Dream sighed, he didn't want to invade the man's privacy, but desperate times call for desperate measures. He produced a copy of the Villa's keys, that he had brought with him just in case this would happen.

He unlocked the door then stepped in, making sure to close the door behind him.

The Earl was buried underneath his covers, facing away from the door. Dream slowly walked over, and he saw George's figure shift a bit at the sound of his footsteps.

The Duke then sat on the edge of the bed, making it dip under his weight, before placing a gentle hand on the Earl's back, and the brunette instantly tensed at the touch.

"George, I am sorry. I went too far yesterday. Do forgive me," Dream said softly.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Earl's body relax, before slowly sitting up to face him.

He looked like he hadn't slept at all last night, so Dream pulled him into a hug. One devoid of lustful passion, and instead filled with comfort.

"Shall we take a trip to Oakbury, I am sure that the poor have missed your presence." The Duke suggested, and George gave him a small nod.

The Earl stayed silent, as he let Sapnap dress him for the first time ever. They then took a carriage to the slums, accompanied by their loyal servants, with a bunch of supplies that Dream had prepared ahead of time.

"Lord Marleigh!" the children screamed, when they saw George descend from the carriage.

Suddenly the Earl's somber mien melted away, and a bright smile replaced it. The children ran up to the Earl and hugged his legs. George chuckled, then gave each one of them a pat on the head.

A little boy, who George recognized to be the sick child from his last visit, walked up to him and gave him two tiny flowers, which he accepted with a smile. The children then drag him off to show how much their arithmetic had improved.

Dream watched the Earl in fascination, while the servants unloaded the supplies and started passing them off to the families.

"Lord Marleigh," one little boy called, as he tugged on George's coat. "Who is that man?" he asked pointing to Dream.

"That is the Duke of Dayton," George answered with a smile, he then motioned Dream to join him, which the Duke happily did.

"Now children, let us test your knowledge," George said, eyes sparkling with mirth. "How must one address a Duke?"

The little boy raised his hand, "We address them as Your Grace," he said.

"Well done Beckerson, I see you have put the books that I lent you to good use." George said, ruffling the boy's hair and making him giggle.

The children then lined up, and the boys gave Dream a small bow, while the girls curtsy. "It is an honor to meet you, Your Grace," They greeted in their high pitched voices.

The Duke was impressed, and beamed brightly at them. "The pleasure is all mine," he replied kindly.

Skeppy voice suddenly boomed out, calling the children to get their share of the food. The little ones scurried away, except for little Beckerson, who had promptly placed himself on George's lap after greeting the Duke.

"Go on now little one, I will still be here when you return," George said in a comforting voice. The boy didn't budge however and continued to cling to the Earl.

George giggled, then scanned the crowd of children for a certain auburn haired girl. "Mars!' he called when he spotted her.

A girl who seemed to be a few years older than the boy, quickly spun on her heels and returned to the Earl's side. "Be a dear and help Beck grab his share please," he requested, as he slowly placed the boy back on his feet.

The girl grinned and nodded, before gently taking Beckerson's hand and guiding him to the line.

"That boy is rather fond of you," Dream pointed out.

"We found him and Mars half frozen on the streets a few winters ago."

"Their parents?" Dream asked.

"They are orphans," George answered,

"You have a kind heart George," Dream said out of nowhere, causing the Earl to face him.

"Not every member of the high caste is willing to spend time on the streets, looking after the well being of the poor." Dream continued, "and you do so with a passion, like you truly wish to alleviate their suffering, rather than putting on a show."

"They need to have hope Dream, hope that one day things will change." George answered.

That day is nearing George, and you have no idea, Dream thought to himself. I do hope Queen will send a note soon.

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