Chapter 18: Spark to Flame

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The rays of the sun warmed George's face, informing the brunette that it was time to get up and greet the new day. He tried to roll off the bed, but found himself being held down by a heavy weight.

He opened his eyes to see what was on top of him, only for his vision to be covered by a mop of blonde hair.

Sometime during the night, after Dream had returned, the Duke had managed to roll over the wall of pillows that George built, and now rested his head on the Earl's chest.

The brunette tried to calm down, worried that his hammering heart, and his chest moving in such an erratic way would wake the Duke up. George tuned his attention to Dream's blonde hair, it looked so soft that the Earl was tempted to reach out and touch it.

The urge proved to be too great, and before he knew it, the Duke's blonde locks were wrapping around his fingers. It turned out to be a huge mistake, for the action caused the Duke to stir from his sleep and groggily open his eyes.

At first the blonde was a bit disorientated, but when Dream's vision finally focused, and he realized the position they were in, he quickly sat up in embarrassment.

The pair stayed quiet for what seemed like years to them both, with blush slowly creeping its way to their cheeks. Dream was about to say something when there was a knock at the door.

"My Lord?"

"Your Grace?"

Two voices, that the pair recognized to belong to their valets, called at the same time.

George scrabbled out of bed, and stood a few feet away from the Duke before letting them come in. The Earl was quick to act calm, and keep his blush under control when Sapnap said that he would draw them a bath. Dream on the other hand, had a bit more trouble acting collected, which did not go unnoticed by his valet.

"Did something happen Your Grace?" Karl asked.

"Nothing exciting," Dream responded.

Since they had to take turns bathing, the Duke decided to take a quiet stroll in the garden, while waiting for George to finish. There, he decided to gather his thoughts together.

A traitor among us, who could it be? He wondered. And why in bloody hell did Queen want us to leave the guy alone. This plan is dangerous...

In all his years of being part of the Chess Masters, Dream never thought to question the plans of the organization's leaders. Yet their orders as of late seemed a bit too passive. As if it were the calm before the storm, and it left the Duke on edge.

With a sigh, Dream returned to his room, still very much lost in his thoughts. He opened the door, only to freeze completely when he saw a silhouette on the partition in the room.

"Sapnap I am almost ready, inform the Duke that he may return," George's voice rang out from behind it, as he bent over to pick up his trousers. His form clearly projecting on the thin barrier between them, due to the bright rays of the sun.

Blast it all to hell, Dream cursed, how could he be so foolish to have forgotten to knock. As if in a trance, the Duke just stood there, halfway through the door, eyes unable to tear away as a powerful force held him in place.

"Sapnap?" George called again, when he finally pulled up his trousers. He then peeked out to see why his valet had not answered.

George's eyes widened when he realized it was the Duke all along, and quickly ducked back behind the partition.

"Your Grace, I am not yet presentable. Do wait for a little while longer..." George stated nervously, before hastily putting on his shirt.

Dream cleared his throat as a response, then stepped into the room. He kept his back towards the Earl, so he would not be labeled as more of a pervert in the brunette's eyes.

Finally George stepped out, cheeks still flush. He mumbled something about finding Karl to help the Duke, before he walked across the room and out the door.

Dream let out a breath he didn't realize that he was holding. Blast it, the Earl was far more dangerous than Queen's plans.

After bathing, the Duke joined the Thornhopes for breaking fast. He engaged in small talk till it was time to head back to Dayton.

Dream and George were both silent on the way home, with the brunette keeping his gaze to the window per usual.

They could feel it, the spark from before had started a small flame, and it was up to them to either fan it, or smother it out.

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