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,,So how did you two met?"
Gorou asked while he was practicing with a wooden sword.
,,So after I left my clan I met him in the woods I was attacked by a Samurai and he rescued me after that we became friends"
,,And what did you do after?"
,,We used to travel a lot together he also showed me how to use my blade and now I'm here teaching you!"

I said and continued with the training. He was a fast learner.

Alright now fight me ,,Wait I'm not ready ye-." I attacked him. I wanted to see if he could defend himself. He tried to block my attacks but after a short amount of time I got him.
,,That's unfair I just started you can't Just attack me out of nowhere Kazuha!"
He looked grumpy or at least tried. I just had to crack a smile.
,,Let's take a break" I said and laid on a rock. I closed my eyes and reminded myself how it was when Tomo and I were practicing together. He always made fun of me but not in a rude way. He encouraged me to do better he was the best teacher and friend I ever had. He left to soon. I couldn't even say a proper goodbye-

,,What do you think is love?"
,,Oh Uhm what a question! You're asking the wrong one here. Why are you asking you're in love or something?"
,,Wha- no not at all I'm just curious back in time...nevermind it's not important"

After that short conversation we continued to practice. It was just a ordinary day. We managed to defeat a lot of enemies. I'm relieved.
I talked a lot with Kokomi she helped me and thanks to her everyone accept me as a part of the Resistance. I feel welcomed but still there's this empty hole inside of me.
Tomo yeah he created it.
With his own hands. I can't fill it I know that but I can protect it. I don't want this hole to get bigger I don't want to feel more pain. I don't want to lose those people around me. I'm not ready for another loss.
Some hours passed I must have fallen asleep on that rock.

,,What are you daydreaming?"
,,Shit- you scared me!" I said while my heart was beating fast. ,,Relax it's just me" The General said. ,,You wanna come to the campfire and eat together?" He asked and I wasn't sure. ,,Come it'll be funny" he said and took my hand in his. His hand was warm. He smiled softly and I couldn't say no to that face.
,,Okay fine"

Everyone laughed and had a lot of fun. We gave each other advices. After all it was a enjoyable moment.

After that I went back to my very own tent. As I laid down My sleepiness just vanished. ,,Great Kazuha" I said and tried everything then I finally managed to fall asleep but not for long. Something woke me up. It was a scream. It was the Generals Scream! Immediately i stood up and searched for him.
After a while I found him he was lying on the ground. As soon as I reached him I smelled the familiar scent of alcohol. He was clearly drunk.

,,General are you okay what happened?"

He laughed. ,,Ah uh Kazuha nothing I just ugh tripped" he answered and his tail was moving from side to side as he stood up. ,,Come I'll help you" I said and carried him to his tent. He needed sleep. ,,Oi what Are you? Hey!" He said as I dropped him on his mattress. ,,Don't complain you need sleep General!" I said and turned around to leave but he stopped me. ,,Don't leave me" he said. ,,Sleep here beside me im afraid" ,,Of what?" ,,Monsters" ,,General Gorou I won't sleep in you're bed you're drunk that would be super weird!" I answered but he whined. ,,But- But please im begging you stay here I can't sleep now"
I rolled my eyes.
,,No. sleep now! Good night"
I said and left. I went back to my bed and closed my eyes.
I hope he is fine-


He said. ,,Why did you follow me I told you to go to sleep!" I almost screamed because I was pissed as hell but he looked so sad...I couldn't be mad at him.
,,Fine come here"

He smiled and his tail was wagging happy from one side to the other. He snuggled under my blanket and wrapped his tail around my left thigh. I wasn't able to say anything. Nobody ever did that to me. He was so close. I could hear his heartbeat and smell his scent. He smelled like coconut butter it was refreshing and calmed me down.
Out of nowhere he touched my cheek with his hand and rested his head on my chest. Then he felt asleep. He must have been really tired.

I wasn't sure where to put my hands but after a while I began to rub his ears out of curiosity. They were super soft. As soon as I placed my hands on his fluffy ears he let out cute little noises i could even see that he was smiling.


To be continued


I'm genuinely sorry for any mistakes. Please correct them if you find any. I really want to improve. Have a great day/night!

Starry night//KazuGorouWhere stories live. Discover now