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,,Come on wake up!"


,,General Gorou!"

Gorou opened his eyes as soon as he heard Kokomi. He must have had fallen asleep yesterday...

Suddenly he remembered all the mess that happened between him and Kazuha. He tried to catch up to him yesterday but he wasn't able to find him. In the end he gave up and started to drink a bottle or two.
He can't remember what happened after that. Probably not much.

,,What happened? Where's Kazuha?"

Asked Kokomi confused and helped Gorpu to stand up. He was still a bit tipsy.

,,I dunno"

He just said and she could see that he was on the verge of tears. She just took his hand and squeezed it a bit.

,,Tell me everything im listening"


After Gorou talked with Kokomi he was feeling better but he was still disappointed and worried of course. Where did he go? He asked himself as he was searching for him. But Kazuha was nowhere to be found. Almost like he wasn't there from beginning just like a imaginary friend or something.

Kokomi even sent some men to search for the white haired samurai but nobody found him. A day passed and another und everyone was in panic. Some said he died. Others said he was kidnapped or imprisoned by the shogunate but Gorou wasn't sure what to think or say. He just hoped Kazuha was okay and he would forgive him one day but if not he would understand it. In the end they weren't meant for each other. Kazuha wasn't ready for a relationship or anything like that. And Gorou was not used being in love with someone.

,,I just hope you're okay-."

Gorou said while he was sitting in his bed.
It was almost midnight when he suddenly heard a strange noise outside. Immediately he took his bow and almost runned outside. Scared that someone would attack him or his comrades every second. But nobody was there.

,,What? But I definitely heard something"

He said and scratched his head. With a sigh he went back to his tent. As he stepped inside he saw something that wasn't there before.

A letter.
Was it from him?


To be continued


Starry night//KazuGorouWhere stories live. Discover now