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,,Why? Because I felt in love"



What did he say? He felt in love...with me?
How is that even possible? Why?
I'm just a dumbass who's still in love with someone who left this world to soon. I'll never be good enough for him. He's a skilled General and I'm just a random Wanderer with no hope or aim in life. I'm nobody special. He shouldn't waste his time with me anyway.

,,Gorou...you must be confused"
,,What? Uhm No!" he said that in a confused tone and stepped towards me. I automatically stepped back. I couldn't help it.
,,You Are You're Talking nonsense"
,,Kazuha believe me I thought long about it and I'm pretty sure-."
,,No Stop it General! It's not true this is just in your head you can't be in love with me"
,,What the heck are you talking about I think I'm old enough to know if Im in love with someone"
,,Yeah but still"

,,You're starting to annoy me here- we promised each other one thing remember? I don't want to argue with you it is what it is I don't care if you don't have feelings for me I just wanted to tell you this because you're leaving soon and I might regret it if I don't tell you...we're I still have the chance to do so"

,,You shouldn't have done that..."


,,Because now it's going to be even harder to let you go"

Yeah that's the reason I'm rejecting him now. I'm a asshole. I am aware of that. I don't want him to wait here for me, to spent his life on someone like me. A dumbass, a loser nobody special. I just want him to be happy...without me.

,,Please did you drink?! I don't know what you're talking about you're we're all lovely half an hour ago and now you're telling me I'm imagining things? What the hell is wrong with you?"

It hurts.
But I deserve it.
Go on Gorou.
Hurt me.
Hate me.
It's the best...for both of us.

,,I'm an asshole I'm aware of that"

,,No you're not an asshole! You're a pussy!
You just don't want to let me love you and you hide you're true feelings because deep inside you're afraid. You don't want to be hurt again. You don't want to lose someone again"

,,Okay and? Is it so wrong to act like this? Yes I'm scared I'm fucking scared okay?! I don't want to loose you just because I'm a loser who can't protect the ones he cares about! I don't want to experience it again I don't want that you die just because I'm to incompetent and dumb Gorou! Please do me a favor and forget about me"

I was holding myself together as good as I could. But Gorou? He couldn't hold it in anymore. He felt down on his knees and started to cry just like a little kid. I quickly looked away.

,,Why- Kazuha Why? Why are you doing this to me?! I thought I finally found someone I could protect and finally be myself again! I felt so good and appreciated while we talked even though whe don't know each other that well. You can't just reject me like this"

,,I can I will do it it's just for you're best forgi-"


And then something happened that I didn't expect at all. The gerneral hissed and jumped up just to slap me on my right cheek. The sudden pain leaned me. Without a reaction I stood there. A tear slowly started to leave my eye.
Gorous eyes were full of anger and frustration but after he realized what he had just done he began crying again. With a shaking hand he reached out for my red cheek.

,,Pl-Please forgive me I'm so sorry  I-I don't know what happened It was a mistake- Please Ka-Kazuha"

Gently he touched my cheek but I couldn't say a thing. So this was my punishment. Deserved.


To be continued


I'm definitely not sorry lol.

Starry night//KazuGorouWhere stories live. Discover now