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There I am. Smiling in Gorous bed with him in my arms. I wasn't used to this feeling, but it felt indescribably beautiful. Can't it be like this forever? I don't want it to stop. I don't want to be separated from him again. That must not happen. Then what would I do? What would I be doing without him? I don't want to imagine that.

,,What are you thinking about?"

he asked, resting his head on my chest. I smiled and scratched his fluffy ears. "Oh, nothing important...I'm just glad to be here, that's all," I said truthfully, kissing his head. Gorou smiled and put his hand on my cheek. His hands were cool but comfortable. ,,I'm so glad to have you" he just said and I could have started to cry. His voice sounded so delicate to my ears, so fragile. I wanted to hug him and never let go. ,,General you saved me" I whispered and closed my eyes with a sigh.

It would start raining soon. The wind told me. Hopefully there wouldn't be a storm or anything like that.

,,Hey, I have an idea"
,,What would it be?"
,,If I'm done with work in the warehouse today, let's watch the stars together in the evening,"

he suggested, but unfortunately I had to say no. ,,It will rain, the stars will probably not be visible tonight" ,,Too bad". With those words, Gorou rolled out of bed and stretched, yawning. ,,I'll be gone then, I've still got a lot to do, see you later," he said, waving goodbye to me. I smiled and waved back.

As soon as he left my smile disappeared. There it was again...that infinite emptiness. I felt alone again. Alone and abandoned. I do not get it. Why am I like this? What's wrong with me? I should be happy shouldn't I?

Is it you Tomo?

Aren't you happy? Happy that I can laugh again? Happy that I can finally be myself? Happy that I'm loved by someone?



,,Hey what's wrong? The General isn't here"

I asked the excited resistance fighter standing on the porch. He was as pale as a ghost. He looked absolutely frightened.

,,The Shogunate! Their attacking us!"


To be continued


Starry night//KazuGorouWhere stories live. Discover now