Chapter 29: The End (part 1)

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(Quinn's POV)

We are at the hospital. There is a rush everywhere. Doctors and nurses are running around. Daddy is here with Kaden and his Momma and me. Uncle Aussie is in a room. Daddy and Kaden's Momma are stressed. They're walking back and forth. The room with Uncle Aussie is very loud.

The Doctor that was healing Uncle Aussie said that the cancer is too strong and big. Daddy is upset. I'm just waiting for Uncle Aussie to finally be done with the check up so we can get ice cream. We always get ice cream after his check ups. Today's check up is in the middle of the night.

Silly doctors, making check ups at night. Kaden is sleeping. To be truthful, I don't know why Kaden and his momma are here. They never come for other check ups.

Suddenly there is silence in the room Uncle Aussie is in. Daddy and Kaden's momma look at the door as the doctor comes out. The Doctor shakes his head with a sigh. 

I don't understand what that means.

Then Daddy screams. I jump. I never heard Daddy scream before. He falls onto his knees and cries. "NO!" He shouts. Kaden's Momma covers her mouth. I want to know what is happening. 

I walk past all the doctors and go into the room. Uncle Aussie is on the bed sleeping. He has a lot of wires and tubes attached to him. The screen with the hills and mountains doesn't have hills and mountains anymore. It isn't beeping. 

I walk over to Uncle Aussie. "Hey. Daddy is crying and screaming and I don't know why. Can you tell me?" I ask. He doesn't answer. I shake his shoulder to wake him up. 

He doesn't even move. I climb onto the bed and shake him again. "Wake up, Uncle Aussie!" I say.

Daddy comes into the room and sees me. "Oh, Princess." He sighs and picks me up. "Uncle Aussie isn't going to wake up." He cries and hugs me. "He went to heaven."

I look over at the bed. "Silly daddy. He is here" I point.

"Quinnie, Uncle Aussie died." Daddy whispers.

I freeze. "No. He didn't." I whisper.

"I'm sorry sweetheart."

"NO! No he didn't!" I yell and scramble out of his hug, back onto Uncle Aussie's bed. "Wake up! Wake up!" I scream as I shake Uncle Aussie.

"Quinn..." Daddy starts.

"No! Shut up!" I tell daddy. "Wake up Uncle Aussie!" 

"Quinn, Uncle Aussie isn't waking up, okay!" Daddy yells. 

I stop and look down. Tears come to my eyes. "No..." I whisper. Daddy sits next to me and cries too. I hug Uncle Aussie. It's strange because he doesn't hug me back. Daddy hugs both me and Uncle Aussie.

We stay there for hours. Daddy brings me food, but won't eat any. Kaden and his momma are sitting in the room on chairs. We're all sad. 

After a few hours, Daddy asks Kaden's momma to be alone with me and Uncle Aussie. Kaden's momma leaves with Kaden and goes home. 

It's eventually afternoon. Daddy goes to talk to the doctor and call grandma and grandad and Uncle Aussie's Momma.

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