Chapter 19: Sleepover

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After my nose had been snapped back into place, so had my perspective. I wasn't ready to go back to the Grimes', but I needed to be, soon.

I was given some pain pills, and water as I headed up to Beth and Maggie's room. Beth was just behind me.

We ran up and shut the door. We heard a noise coming from their bathroom, so I pulled out my knife and slowly approached the door.

"Beth, I think there's a walker in your bathroom!" I hushed quietly.

"What?! Let me press my head against the door. Our pipes make funny noises during a windy night like this. Since it's an old house."


After Glenn had brought Grace back into the house, her loud screaming that was about to occur was a great time for Glenn and I to sneak off to somewhere in the house ...

We were in the middle of "kissing" when I heard Beth and Grace enter the bedroom. I was trying to signal Glenn to shut up, but he wasn't listening. So, i slapped him and covered his mouth. Hence the walker noises.

Then we heard Grace say, "Beth, I think there's a walker in your bathroom!"

* oh come on Beth! Make up some excuse about the pipes or something! *

And then she did.

I made sure to get dressed as I hid Glenn behind the shower curtain.


When we got to the room, I heard some strange noises. I felt a little nervous at first, but then again I knew my sister.

* Oh no, Grace is going to get all worried, and want to see what's in there! I have to stop her*

So, I made up an excuse about pipes. It's all I could think of, but it seemed to calm her mind!

" Hey, Grace would you go get that sleeping bag out of your tent? Just in case Maggie is here tonight." I said.

"Sure! I'll be back in a few." She said.

I waited until I heard her exit the front door.

"Maggie!" I yelled.

She and Glenn crept out, and I practically shoved Glenn to our porch, and Maggie downstairs.

Glenn made his great escape, while Maggie acted like nothing happened.

How long could this go on for? They're going to be caught!


I was really dreading walking back to have to explain to the Grimes' why I wouldn't be there tonight. But I had to do it.

As I neared 5 feet to the tent, something grabbed me and put their hand over my mouth.

When they revealed themself to me, Carl.

"Carl, what the hell!" I whisper screamed at him.

I had forgotten I hadn't seen him much for a month and a half, and he was clearly starting to go through a growth spurt. He was now bigger than me.

Then I realized, we've been at the farm for about 3 months already. It's been 6 months since the start, of it all.

"They're arguing in there, or something. I don't want to make things worse so I'm waiting out here. Don't you go in there, or I'll break your nose again, again." He said, trying to act cool.

"Look, you may have grown an inch or two, but remember who is, and always will be stronger than you." I said as I kicked him hard in the shin and watched him fall over, and start whimpering like a baby.

I've been waiting to do that for months!

I felt like a part of the weight had just been lifted off of my shoulders as I walked back into the Greene's house.


I have been missing Grace, like crazy. I don't understand why everyone is mad at her. I mean she truly didn't do anything wrong. That walker was already out there. And Dale, well, he wasn't ready.

I've been thinking about her. Every night. I think about where we might be if the world hadn't turned to, well this.

Maybe we would be boyfriend and girlfriend at school. I would like that.

As my parents argues in the tent, I sat behind the nearest tree and just sat, alone with my thoughts.

Well, I wasn't really alone. I had Grace, even if she was just in my head.

Wait, but there she was. Walking towards me! No, she wasn't actually walking towards me, she was walking towards the tent.

God, every night I've been dreaming of kissing her. Being the one to kiss her, not her kissing me.

So, when she got near the tree I grabbed her. She was really mad, but I also didn't want her to walk in on my parents fighting.

So I explained myself, and I was trying to act angry, cause the last time I did that she kissed me, I wanted her to get mad too so I could kiss her.

But instead, she kicked me. She kicked me hard. And it hurt, it really hurt.

"But I am not your enemy..." I muttered after she left.


It was funny. To watch him fall over and weep. I started to feel guilty. I really missed him, and I didn't want to be a total bitch. I was heading back as I felt a pain in my stomach.

* oh no, this was it. My period... *

I ran back to the Greene house.

"Beth, I couldn't get my sleeping back. But, I think I just got my period." I whispered.

"Oh my. Well, I've got the stuff for you." Beth said, kindly.

"Listen, you're going to want aa new pair of underwear. And I'll get you a maxi pad. Here, can I have the ones you're wearing now? I'll clean them." She said, kindly once again.

"No, no that's gross for you. I'll do it myself."I said, feeling embarrassed.

"No, no it's not. It's normal! Just let me do it." She said.

I was hesitant, but if I did it I might do it wrong. It's good to have someone with experience.

She handed me a fresh pair of underwear, and showed me how to put on the pad.

"Maybe this is why I got so angry, and kicked Carl." I told her.

"You what?!" She laughed.

I explained the whole story to her.

She thought it was hilarious, "Grace, God, you are a total badass!" She said.

It was late, so we got in the bed, and just talked.

I told her all about Carl. And how I felt about him. At the moment, I was feeling really confused. I hated him. But I wanted him to love me, which I guess he did. I just didn't know yet.

So, when I was done telling her everything she said, "Girl, he's absolutely in love with you. You gotta keep him safe, cause he will do stupid things for you. Especially in this world." She said.

At the time, I didn't give that much consideration. But boy, was she right.

I am back yall! I really missed this. And I really like how Carl and Grace's relationship is going. Don't worry, she won't be angry with him forever. And I'm so excited for Grace, and Beth's friendship. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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