Chapter 1:

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I quickly try to jump out of bed, only to be tangled in my sheet, I tear them off and kick them to the floor, I softly push the snooze bottom and it become silent once again. Something so rare in my home. I turn my body around and head towards my closet, only to slip on my zombie video game and face plant right onto my history book. And may I say ouch. I can tell this is just not my morning. Hope it gets better.

Ah but who am I kidding! I didn't even introduce myself, granted I was sleeping, soundly may I add. My name is Zora Higeoka, not exactly a Japanese first name, but that may be because its really Russian, if I remember correct my mom told me it meant life. Eh but I don't really know, nor do I care. Okay, continuing... I live with a women named Yuki, a total druggy, and a fat ass guy named Kuto, who is an alcoholic, now to be honest these people want me to call them mom and dad, well did. I was adopted when I was around 7 and at the beginning these people where awesome, always giving me dolls and taking me to the park, but not so much now. They only get away with all the crap they do is because they're rich. I mean their parents were before they died, and being the only children left, left them lots of money to do what they wanted. Ah but enough about them for now. I seem to be an animal person, with a big dog that comes to my waist, a little tiger cat with white paws, 3 turtles and a hamster or two. Now they are all super sweet, to me. My best friend is Ema, we've know each other our whole lives. We go to the same school, and I practically live at her house. We even share video games, well its more like I beat them then give them to her. that's it for now back to the story~

I quickly get changed into my school uniform, and my high thigh tight black blues and go to feed all my animals and head over to Emas place, down the road.

Once I'm there I take out the extra keys Ems gave me and walk in to see boxes everywhere. Ahh that's right she's moving this weekend, dang and I have to help, darn me and my big mouth I was hopping for a lazy day, oh-well to late now. I walk up stair to see Ems still sleeping like a baby with her music alarm going off. She must have stayed up late again play zombie games. I do a small smirk before going into her bathroom and pull out the bucket I kept under the sink and filled it with nice freezing cold water. I calmly walk over to her side of the bed before pouring it right on her pretty sleeping face. She wakes with a start popping right up. "Ah Good Morning Ema-chan~" she slowly moves her head in robotic movements and glares right at me. Wow this isn't like Chii, she must have woken with a cold start I laugh at my own joke internally. "Waky waky, I'm gunna go make us bakky" (translation- get your ass up I'm making breakfast)

After we eat breakfast we head to school and part ways, you see even though me and Ema are the same age, I take advanced classes, also known as I skipped a year. As I walk I hear people talking about me, I've grown use to it and block them out, as I walk people make a small clearing for me, how nice! I smile as a group of girls comes up to me and a nice looking girl with long brown hair comes up to speak with me first.

"U-Um Higeoka-san I-I was wondering if y-you wanted to h-have launch with me and m-my friends" she points behind her to a group of 4 ordinary looking girls with hope in their eyes. I look back at the girl talking to me, she seems very shy and nervous.

"sure that would be lots of fu~n" I say with a cute smile and I tilt of my head. The girl in front of me blushes slightly, which makes her look ten times cuter!! I walk into my class room right as the bell rings and sigh of relief "that was clo~se" and earn a few chuckles from everyone who hear, today's first period ends up being homeroom, so I go up to talk abut up-coming school events since I am the class representative/president.

~Time Skip~

I come out of my daze I've been in all day right as the bell rings, and everyone leaves. I'm one of the last out and I go straight to the flower shop i work at every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, since today happens to be Wednesday. Luckily for both my jobs i got to pick my schedule since i was only a part-timer. Whats even better is both jobs pay high!

Sorry if its too short, ill try to work on that!!


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