Chapter 2

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Today is Saturday, also the last day I have to spend with Ema at her old place; in all honestly I'm pretty sure we're just going to play video games. Which I don't really mind, in fact that beats packing or doing nothing at my house. Also I hope we play with Juli, I usually do that when I get bored of video games.

Time Skip

After what had to be hours upon hours of playing random zombie video games; which is really Chii needing my help in a level-up, we decided we should probably pack Ems room. I took her video games and game systems while she did everything else, what can I say I'm lazy. The sad part is she had so many stupid zombie games that she finished before me. She ended up helping me pack the rest up, by the time we finished it was about 6pm. I bid my goodbyes as I went home, I would have stayed the night but I wasn't sure if my animals would be feed.

As I walk in I can see Yuki on the couch passed out and Kuto in the kitchen fridge, probably looking for more beer or something. I don't make any noise as I come in, go to the back room and feed the animals. I go straight upstairs and am almost in my room when my dad spots me. Damn, so close.

"Come here" he demands in his deep voice

I do as told to avoid 'punishment' as my parents call it, it doesn't really matter what it's called it's not right. "Yes Kuto?" I ask looking at the ground. I hear him coming closer and tense up. He grabs my chin forcefully and brings my face to look at his. He still looks old, with black and white hair with a matching beard and some grey no frame glasses. His dark brown eyes stare into mine almost testing me, I know not to so I don't know why he continues to do this.

"Go buy me something to drink." I'm sure even a dumb person could get what he means but today I just feel like testing by luck,

"What kind Kuto" I spat at him, it seems he has already had a few drink as he gets angry faster than a non-drunk Kuto. He spits on me and throws me into a wall.

"You know what kind, bitch. I guess you're just a lot more stupid than we thought you were." He raises his hand up and I stare blankly at him.


Ah that familiar feeling, pain. It seems it's all I feel inside this hell-hole I call 'home'. This time it felt kind of different, like it hurt more than normal, that's not good. It will leave a mark, what will I tell Em? Hmm maybe that a fell, that might work, haven't used that in a while. I'm brought out of my thoughts as a hard painful force is hit against my ribs. Causing all the air in my lungs to go out, leaving me breathless.


I quickly scramble to my feet and run out the door. I go to the normal convince store a block away. You see Kuto knows the guy who owns this place so even though I'm way too young to buy alcohol I can here. I rush home and give it to my father going straight to my room; I lock my door and slid down it. I don't know how long I stared blankly at the window across from me. Long enough I guess for the sun to start making its way down. That's when I know it's safe, those people down-stairs are gone, drinking at a bar or partying at a casino. I don't really care; all I know is that I'm safe for now. I can cry. I won't be punished for showing such weakness in front of the people who 'raised' me better. One important thing I've learned over the years is that if I don't scream too load and into a pillow the neighbors won't hear. I've learned that no matter how much you cry there will always be more tears. I've learned to never judge people at school until you've seen them at home. Most people don't get that that is until they experience shity parents themselves, which almost never happens.

I had hoped to see Ema off but I know that won't happen, my cheek is killing me and my ribs hurt bad. My eyes don't seem to open but they continue to water from the pain. But for some reason I don't feel anything that is mentally. Physically I feel like shit. Hmm maybe not shit but pretty damn close, feeling like shit is when I try to stand up only to fall because my legs are asleep. I slowly pat out my legs so they wake and make my way through my messy room, I'll have to clean it today. I walk into the bathroom and look at my face, EW. I have bags under my eyes, don't get me started about my eyes, they seem to have not woken up or fallen asleep without me. My lips are chapped and my cheek is not only a rainbow of black, purple and blue but also red, it seems Kuto scratched me, like the little girl he is. That may take some time to heal. I reach out to get my toothbrush and lean on the counter only to winch and remember to look at my chest. Right below my bra is a lovely footprint of blue and black. I, being the stupidly smart person I am, poked it. I felt water come to my eyes and a groan come from my mouth. <Kinky> I slowly did my morning things careful to not hit my bruises. I walk down stairs to find the front door wide open and my cat, Lela sitting on the front steps. Great that means my dog, Hume has gone for a run, by himself.

I quickly grab Lela and throw her inside and grab a leash and start running to the nearby park he seems fond of. When I get there, I see a blob of black running with a family. There laughing and having fun, I know somewhere deep inside I should be hurt or jealous, but for some weird reason I'm not. I'm almost happy for them. That those three kids will grow up with fun parents. I walk slowly up to them and whistle for Hume to come. As he leaves the children and runs over to me, the children follow. As I hook his leash on, their parents walk over to me.

"Is this your dog, Miss..?" the father looking male leads off wondering my name, a two for one question.

"Ah yes my name is Higeoka Zora, it's nice to meat you." I say with a bow then continue "and yes this is my dog"

"Oh, such manners, my names Hana and this is my husband Rei and my three children, Tetsi, Jilka, and Daiki. Your dog is so gentle and nice. Who trained it?"

"I did, thank you."

We continued to talk for a while as the children and Hume were playing. I found out that they were new to the town and just came here from France, they speak great Japanese too. Somehow the conversation got to where Hume was now in their possession. I didn't really mind, the kids liked him and he them. By the time noon came I was on my way back home, dog less.

As I made it home and catch the time I notice my shift at the maid café is in an hour! I quickly take a shower and aply my make-up and grab my bag with my phone, wallet and work clothes.

I barely make it in time just as the launch hour begins and Mary's shift ends. I make hast and throw on my uniform, simple really just imagine a maid and there I am, but my uniform is sleeveless.

Today we seemed to be extra busy but this just means I can make good tips and buy some new clothes, or well I do need new wrapping for my injuries. Also I ended up using almost all my make-up to cover this bruise, so ill need some more.

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