Chapter 3

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It seems lately that my Yuki, that women who I'm supposed to call mom, or what ever, has recently been out at 'work' or as I call it for what it really is, selling drugs not so legally to minors at parties, yep totally normal job. But that's not really what's been bothering me the most, it's the fact that Kuto has been having mood swings, oh well I guess you cant truly call them mood swings, more like I'm-so-drunk-I-don't-know-if-your-Yuki-or-Zora mood swings. You see I've never really realized this before but, Kuto does have multiple sides, drunk-the one I see often which is usually followed by his mad side, his nice- the one he uses on his wife, Yuki and that ones followed by his perverted side. Luckily nothing I couldn't handle has happened so far, when his perverted side comes out I tend to lock myself into by bedroom and work on my school projects.

Sometimes I think this is the start of maybe a divorce, hey maybe ill get lucky and go back to foster care, I mean anything is better than this, but I know that if the split I wont be going with either of them. I've recently been saving up more of my pay-cheeks in case I need to make a run for it, but other than this its been really good, I do miss Hume but I've seen that family playing in the park when I walk by so I know its better than being locked up. To save up more money I've even sold my turtles to my neighbors across the street, my hamsters to a class mate but I think I might try and keep Lela. I don't think anyone will really want her, she's too old and really lazy, also I think I love her way too much to give her up. I mean she's been with me this whole time, I remember when I was much younger, my real mom and dad gave it to me to see if I could be responsible, which if I say so myself I have been.

All my classes are coming in for a mid-break end-its still a while away, but everyone's too excited to care. i mean we even have like a teacher-parent-student meeting in the next week or so. I mean Christmas isn't too far way now is it? I think my class even invited me to a Christmas eves party. Of course I didn't want to be mean so I gladly excepted and now have some fun plans instead of all work this Christmas. I even get to invite someone, for some reason when I asked that a lot of boys gave disappointed sighs and the girls all happily agreed, I really don't get why for the boys but I think all the girls want to meat my friend. And of course by friend I mean Ema!!

Ema says its been really fun living with new siblings, I still cant believe that's theirs 13 of them, and one is in her class!! How cool. She says their ages range from around early 30's to 10's. My comment to that was very rude in Chii's option but It just slipped out, 'Man that lady must be old and got hanging skin for so much kids.' she even hit me in the head!! Chii and her dad, Rintarou invited me to their wedding this weekend, so I get to meet all of the brothers their. I had originally denied their offer saying I was busy, but then Rintarou called my work to give me a day off, so I then countered with its family only, and he replied back 'well your like another daughter to me so it would only feel weird not to have you their when I get married' so after that strong statement and what sounded like him trying to pout over phone I agreed. They even sent me a dress!


Today is the day of Rintarou, and after much thinking I've decided his nickname shall be... Mr.Rin~Rin!! Its even Ema approved!! I quickly put on the dress that Mr.Rin~Rin's finance got me. I have to say, it's the fanciest outfit I've ever worn. It's a teal puffy dress with lace top thingy, and ties in the back that goes to my mid-thigh, where the dress ends it meats my lace flower leggings, and boots that end right below my knee, and also lace flower finger-less gloves. And lastly a hair-clip of what looks like diamond almost flowers, man I hope these are fake! I quickly curl my hair so its around the base of my neck and pin right side with the clip, then I do my usual make-up (picture up top). Man I think Mr.Rin~Rin has out done himself, I'm totally in love with this.

I quickly leave my house, luckily no ones home except me right now, and call a cab. I give him the churches address and off we go. In a way I'm lucky the guy isn't too chatty, like at all. The car ride is short, and an easy pay for me. I make my way inside after checking the time to make sure I'm not too early, Mr.Rin~Rin told me it was a surprise to the siblings and Ema that I would be there so he had me going through the back and into the dressing rooms. A soon as I entered Mr.Rin~Rin and his soon-to-be-wife, bounced on me, calling me cute and what not. After my quick greetings with them I learned her name was Miwa, and that she in fact did not look old or fat for having so many children. I mentally hit myself for thinking something like that in the first place, of course she was taller than me and just the perfect height for Mr.Rin~Rin. She was a skinny thing and very pretty with short hair.

After being told everyone I should meat was in the chapel thing I made my way in there. As I entered, unnoticed may I add. There seemed to be a long row of 12 brothers and Ema and another brother in front of them. As I walked to stand next to a tall attractive brown haired man, they started complementing how cute Chii looked in her pretty pink dress, I have to admit she did in fact pull the dress off nicely. i don't' think i can pull off Pink. After the man next to the brown haired man said "at this rate, everyone's going to be crazy for you" and right before the orange haired boy behind Em could say anything I commented, scaring most of everyone in the room, okay everyone.

"I know I have!~" saying that I have in fact gone crazy for Chii, but only as a friend, I tended to do this to Ema, just to make her flustered. "You look very beautiful in that dress of yours, Chii~" I gave a bright smile towards here.

"Ahh, how long have you been there?!" almost everyone yelled.

"shhh~! You shouldn't yell in a chapel, its rude" I said somewhat quietly.

"Zo! I didn't know you would be here! Papa never tells me these things" she said with a cute pout

"Ah he said to make it a surprise, ah but that adorable face your making is just too cute~" I say as I hug her around the waist bring her closer to me. Her slightly taller but only by 3 cm.

"who are you? Are you Onee-chans friend?!?!" asked a adorable, kid. I turned towards him with a confused look.

"of course not, I'm her sister" and just to mess with them more "and..." they all seemed to lean in anticipation of what I might say, somehow I had a feeling Ema knew what I was going to say but didn't put a stop to me. I quickly pulled Ema into an embrace "her lover~" I finished a blew on her ear making Ema shiver and blush crazily.

"EHHHHH!!!" they all shouted with a mix of fear, disappointment, shock and confused faces.

The red head boy, who I knew as Yuk~tuk, in Emas class stuttered out 'h-huh h-h-h-ho-how?"

Suddenly I felt a hard hit on the back of my head making me let go of Ema and stumble but quickly regain my balance. I said a quiet 'Ita!' as I softly rubbed my hair to not mess it up, :stop with that nonsense! Zo I told you, you cant go around telling people made up things about us being in some relationship!" she scolded me while I pouted. The brother that understood what was going on which was all but the youngest fella, let out breaths or chuckled.

"okay, okay~ I get it, now lets have some fun~! Tell me your names so I may nickname you all~!" I said almost bouncing on my feet.

After many introductions later and me having to say ill need time to give proper nicknames for so many people, because as easy as it sound you just need to think about the perfect ones.

After the ceremony I ended up talking to total strangers that I'll probably never meet again. Soon after I was somewhat pushed into a big group of women and I was still trying to figure out why when I was hit on the head with something but then it bounced into the hands of the person next to me. "Ita~ why do I keep getting hit by things~!?" I look over and see flowers in Chiis hands, :o, "huh, that's what we were doing? Ah~ man Chii~ I missed it, oh well. Hey you know this means you'll get married! I wonder to who," I pulled Ema into another hug only to be hit after my comment of "I hope its me~"

Then the brothers did a little "Welcome to the Asahina Family!" thing and I took a photo of all of them with Emas camera. Sometime throughout the party I ended up having pictures taken of me with the brothers and Ema. I didn't mind too much because Ema promised to send me the good ones. I even said I only need ones with the cuties, but that got me hit, once again by Chii.

When I got home from the wedding I was still smiling, that is until I unlocked my door, which for some odd reason was locked, walked in and turned on the lights. What I saw was socking and almost made me cry, almost. I dropped my thing and fell to my knees, looking around there was...



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