Chapter 5

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"Hey Mother~! We're home~!!" I shot out to ukyo or mother as I like to call him as Yuk~Tuk and Chii follow me into there kitchen to see Ukyo doing what any mother would be doing around 4:30, cooking dinner.

"Welcome Home, Ema, Yusuke. Zora will you be eating with us today?"

"if you don't mind~!"

"not at all, why don't you and Ema go to her room while I cook?'

"Okay~!" I grab Chii and pull her away from whatever conversation she was having with Yuk~Tuk.

"h-hey I was having a conversation with Yusuke-nii"

"I don't care~! We have something re~ally important to tell you~!"

"wha- Hey look where your go-" Chii started but was cut off when I bumped right into someone. I was about to face plant right into the ground when two strong arms circle around me. I give a small squeak when they pull me up into a chest tightly. I look up and blush when I see Ame-chan holding me against him. I can feel my heart slowly coming down from its high as he lets me go, only to sky rocket when he turns me around and pulls me close by my waist. "ing" I look back at Chii and give her my goofy-grin as she shakes her head and goes ahead leaving with "met me in my room"

I look back up towards Ame-chan with the same grin on. "ha~ha thanks for catching me~"

"No problem Zora-nee" I blush at the name, he knows it embarrasses me but still calls me that.

"don't call me that!"

"Then don't call me Ame-chan" he adds with a wink

I quickly duck out of his arms and cross my arms over my chest making a pouting face, "Never!! that's your special nickname~!"

"fine fine~ Zora-nee", I once again feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as I hurry away. I can still hear him chuckling when I turn the corner to the elevator. I quickly make my way up to Chii's room and enter without knocking, flopping onto the bed. I look and see her once again playing video games.

"hey can I play~!"


"waaa! So mean~!"

"its not, you just always cheat and I can never win"

"I don't cheat~! I'm just way better at it then you! By the way did Cat-man send you the copies of the game~!"

"who?- oh yea your copies on the desk!"

"eh~ you started yours before me~! No fare~!" I whine to her while she ignores me continuing to play her zombie game.

"oh yea, What did you want to talk about?" she asks once clearing the long, long, long, oh did I mention how ling it was? Well really long level she turns to me.

"Oh yea~! Okay so you know how all those guys keep sending me love letters, and keep confessing and asking me out~!"

"yea, why"

"well I know how to turn them down., but well, th-this time umm... ugh I don't know what to do!"

"wow this is really bothering you! Who is it, Do you like him! If you don't then just let him down like the rest!"

"that's the problem!"

"oh, You like Him!?! This is exciting, you've never liked someone before!"

"N-no its not that!"


"I-its because..." I stop and take a big breath, I honestly don't know why its such a big deal but it is! "because..." I decide to say it really quickly "I-as-gi"

Chii gives me a blank face "you expect me to understand what you just said!?"

I solemnly shake my head and say it slower than last time " it.. Was.. Um, a girl!" I look away quickly then back to her to see her mouth hanging open

"eh~ Really"

"yesh~! And I just don't know what to do!!!" I shot loader than needed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Mothers voice calling us for dinner. We reply with a short 'coming' and Chii tells me we will continue this conversation later tonight.

As we go down the elevator we meet Baki-Baka and Megane, then later joined by President and Ju-plub. There was no talking other than when they arrived and I greeted them with there nicknames. Which the second group like much more than the first.

At dinner I sit between Ame-chan and Kawai-kun while President is across from me. We eat in silence until Mother suddenly speaks up, of course it has to be the question I'm dredging. "So what were you girls talking about when I came to get you, it sounded like you were in some trouble Zora" is stop mid-bit and blush quickly looking towards Chii who is looking at me.

"uh- Nothin' much~!" I lie.

"ah~ Don't lie to us Zora-nee" stupid Ame-chan

"seriously stop calling me that~! We're not siblings, and im younger than you~!"

"don't change the subject Zora-nee~" Kawai-kun you traiter!

"you should just tell them, they might be able to help you know~!" Ema tells me, only intreging the others more

"fine, Well... what did you guys do in high school when a girl confessed?"

They all look at me big eyed "eh~! Did a boy confesse to you Zora-nee" watarus childish voice is first to speak up.

u-um not exactly~!"

"eh, then I don't get it" he says to me

"ju-just answer the question please~!"

"well I would always say yes" came the flirtatious monks answer

"So I should say yes~?"

"only if you like them" Flower-man spoke up for the first time.

"I know, but how do I not hurt there feelings~!" I whine

"I think Zora-nee would have lots of experience doing this!" Wataru points out.

"oh~! I do~!!"

"then why do you need help~!"ame-chan questions now

"I-its different this time!"

"I should just...give this person a shot,... you never know~! Maybe you ...might like him." Louis advises,

"ah~! Yea I'll think about that~!" I say with a closed eye smile.

What she didn't notice was the glares sent towards Louis from Kaname, Tsubaki, Azusa and Wataru.

Sorry short chapter~! i had writers block but i got an idea today, Sorry for such a late and short update~!

Oh and check out the song on the side~! AlynaCamby commented it to me and i liked it so i added it~

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