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The Genins of the Leaf and Cloud were were in the Hokage office with Hiruzen and A. It was all the Kohona 11 of course without Kiba. And the Cloud Team were confused since Heiya( my OC)) and Omoi were eliminated, but they rather hear what is said by the Raikage. Hiruzen started speaking.

Hiruzen: Now that everything has calm down around here it's time to talk who should be recommended as Chunin even though the finals was interrupted due to the invasion. Shikamaru, the way you battled show that you can come up with a plan using very little resources. Even though you forfeited, you knew if you held that Shadow possession jutsu a bit longer Temari who had been freed and took you out. Your intelligence is far beyond a Genin which is why you are promoted to Chunin.*hands him Chunin vest*

Shikamaru: Thank you..... Unfortunately now that means I get less sleep.

Ino smack the back of Shikamarus head for complaining which everyone couldn't help but laugh even both Kages.

Shikamaru: Troublesome teammate.....

Kurama:(I feel his pain, I hate losing sleep as well)

Naruto:( you're always sleeping though you lazy coyote)


Naruto:( MAKE ME BITCH!!)

While Naruto and Kurama were arguing inside his head, Hiruzen moved on to Sasuke.

Hiruzen: Sasuke you clearly shown you are improvement during the exam and to be honest, when Gaara was trying to get you angry for a second I thought you gave into it but to my surprise you didn't play into his hand as he thought because then you became more calculated. To be a true Shinobi sometimes you have to keep your anger in check. Being too angry can sometimes translate into being overly aggressive. You remind me of some of the veterans Uchiha I fought along side with back in my Prime. And I heard you help stop the sand siblings plans by staying on there trail. And you defeated the puppet user which is not a small feat. Therefore you are promoted.*( Hands Chunin vest)

Sasuke inspects the vest and is surprised that it is dark blue with the Uchiha crest on the back. Hiruzen spoke up again.

Hiruzen: That vest was originally meant to be for one of your "family" member but they were promoted to Anbu.

Sasuke knew this vest would had been given to His Brother but of course he was a Prodigy.

Sasuke: I'll accept this to help forge my own path.( No longer will I do everything as my brother does, that what Father wanted.)

Hiruzen: Moving on,Shino you didn't make it to the finals. However thanks to your contributions during the invasion. Kurenai informed me your insects were scattered across the battlefield, draining enemy nin of their chakra. And even poisoning many of them too , making things easy for our comrades to take them out. Here's your Chunin vest* hand shino his vest*.

Shino: Thank you Hokage-Sama.

Hiruzen: Neji Hyugā, you were a big surprise in the finals. With the incident that happened with your father and the head ninja of Kumo. I felt that you will always hate them. But to my surprise, you didn't give in to your hate. I didn't think you take Might Guy training to heart opting for you clan Jutsu. But you use both. I can't give you a Chunin vest because I'm considering making you a Jonin. Well a special Jonin 1st.

Neji: Thank you Lord Hokage.

Heiya: Congratulations Neji-Kun

Neji was going to comment but Ten- Ten intervene.

Ten- Ten: Congrats on your promotion darling.* Smiles at Neji but then glares at Heiya*

Heiya: ( RIVAL!!!)*Stares back at Ten-Ten*

Omoi: ( Oh boy, I had a feeling this would happen.)

Karui:( Heiya getting bold!!!)

Samui:( I feel for the Hyugā boy. 2 girls marking him as their meat.)

Naruto: congrats Pale knight!!!

Neji: Another nick name???

Naruto: I'm trying different ones til I find 1 that suits you.

Hiruzen: before I continue to the rest of you, Raikage wants to discuss promotion with his Genins.

A: 1st of all, this exam is like a fraction of many other elements to determine if you'll get promoted or not. Omoi you could be a Chunin but I need to see you doing more in higher rank missions. Heiya I can say the same for you as well. Karui you know you have work harder to be on par with your teammates. You are will be on a trail period to determine if you're ready for Chunin.

Karui:So....* Trying to verify*

A: You all are Chunin for now. But I'll be paying close attention to the next couple of missions to determine if you stay Chunin.( I want to see how you handle yourselves in new roles as you take  higher rank missions.) Any questions?

Omoi: Nope.

Karui: Not from me.

Heiya: Nada.

A: Good. The floor is yours again Lord Hokage.

Hiruzen nods and looked at each Genin he has yet to make a decision.

Hiruzen: The rest of you will be in similar situations as the cloud team. You'll be monitored by your Jonin sensei's on the next few missions to determine if you'll be promoted or not. * Looks at Naruto* Naruto you are very resourceful and can adapt in any situation. The only issue is I want to see you take charge more. But you are qualified as a Chunin none the less. So the next few missions you'll be sharing responsibilities with Kakashi or whoever is the Jonin in charge of a mission. Now you'll have to get your vest from your girlfriend,and she made a very special for her " Nikkō* Tease*

Naruto: Oh was that suppose to get me flustered? Try again. I'm called the the god of pranks for a reason* sinister grin*

Hiruzen: (Shit, he may get me with one of his pranks later.

Kohona 10: (Why did he get him started.)

A: Hey am I missing something???*genuinely confuse*

Rock Lee: Naruto has a reputation of pranking people. He even prank the Anbu and Jonins.

A:( Well.... Shit)

Hiruzen: well until you all are at 100% to do a mission, that all for now and congrats again for those who are promoted.

As the Genins all filed out of the Hokage office along with The Cloud team and the raikage. Naruto just completed his biggest prank yet. A few seconds after the office door closed, a loud explosion happen with what appeared to be cyan and orange smoke emitting under the door

Hiruzen: NARUTO!!!!!

the Hokage robes went from being white and red to cyan,pink, and orange. Naruto was laughing menacing and shikamaru ask the question that was on everyone mind.

Shikamaru: How did you prank him without no one noticing?

Naruto: I had a paint bomb in a scroll and released it while he was finishing up teasing me.


Naruto: Yep, now if you'll excuse me I have a monkey to avoid.* Takes off running*

Naruto took off but Hiruzen was hot on his trail sporting his new robe colors which had rookie 10 and the cloud team laughing. Even the Raikage couldn't hold in his laughter.
The Genins we're just happy they had time to laugh versus being serious all the time. Hiruzen in all honesty is enjoying Naruto and his antics. After all the Genin were partially his Grandchildren in all but blood. but he still going to use a fireball Jutsu on Naruto's ass.

End of chapter

A/n: two chapters is going to be filler sort of. We actually are going to be seeing Naruto spend time with him and finding out how's kiba's punishment coming along and have these truly learned his lesson. until next time!

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