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Jungkook's POV

I didn't think this day was ever going to get here. February 7th. A day I had been waiting for with nowhere near what I could call patience. Today I would finally graduate high school. Today, Jimin and I would be telling the rest of BTS that we were a couple and we could be official. Finally, I was a man with no ties left to his boyhood.

The ceremony was a blur of flashing cameras, big smiles everywhere I looked, and rushing from one place to the next. Only one face stayed in slow motion. Jimin. His blonde hair falling over his glasses, obscuring his smiling eyes. His full lips never breaking their proud beam. Perfection, and it was finally all mine with nothing holding us back.

We'd discussed multiple times when to tell the others and when to make things official. At first, Jimin wanted to be open right away. As time passed though, he began to take a different stance. He became very adamant that I graduate first, even going as far as to stop touching me and pushing me away when I would try to touch him. He would still kiss me, but he said he shouldn't every time. It irritated me greatly. I was eighteen! It wasn't illegal! It wasn't like he was doing something wrong! He didn't see it that way, though.

"FINALLY!" I screamed when we made our way into the car.

Jimin's POV

Jungkook's graduation had passed so quickly I'd hardly had time to see anything other than his smile. I hated that we'd been kept outside during the ceremony. I was so proud of him and I wanted to see him receive his diploma. I settled for what I could have though and let myself sink into the joy he was radiating.

We'd been waiting, rather impatiently, for this day to arrive. Today we would tell the rest of BTS about us and I could, at long last, stop feeling so uncomfortable with our relationship to this point.  "To be honest, the whole thing is gross to me," I'd told Jungkook in the car before dinner. My own words kept ringing in my ears when I couldn't stop staring at him all night.

Jungkook had tried over and over again to convince me that since he was over the age of eighteen he was a legal adult and my feelings of disgust with myself for all the things we'd already done with each other were unwarranted. I didn't reflect his sentiments, however. When I truly sat and thought about it, I felt appalled by my actions. We hadn't even kissed until he was eighteen, but it still felt wrong somehow to touch his body and kiss his lips when he hadn't even completed high school and I was already two years graduated.

All that changed today and we both knew it. No obstacle stood between us anymore. We could finally be together in earnest. Warmth swelled in my chest as Jungkook snuck a glance my way and grinned. I pursed my lips, sending him a silent kiss, unnoticed by anyone else but him. His dimples deepened and a slight blush flushed the apples of his cheeks.

He's just so damn cute.

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