First Meeting

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"Hwang! Miss Kim would like to see you in her office!" Sooyoung called.

Sooyoung was Miss Kim's executive assistant, she was a stuck up workaholic who loved to look down on the other workers. She boasted about herself constantly at being the closest and most important worker to Miss Kim Taeyeon, one of the most successful and wealthiest business women in Korea.

The moment she heard her name, Tiffany Hwang's head shot up to look in Sooyoung's direction and she found said girl looking back at her, papers in her hand and looking at her watch sarcastically.

"Any time today!" She shouted.

Tiffany gathered the papers she had been working on and approached the tall and skinny woman. She had never really gotten on with her, she was too up herself and Tiffany usually looked for friendship in people who were kind and down to earth and that was most certainly not Choi Sooyoung,

"What does she need to see me for?" Tiffany asked, extremely nervous at the fact that she had only been working here a week and had never seen Taeyeon face to face, never spoken with her, nothing. She had seen photos of her online but had never caught one little glimpse the whole time she had been working here.

"I don't know, maybe you're slacking and she wants to fire you?" Sooyoung smirked. She knew Tiffany didn't like her and she wasn't particulary fond of her either. 

Sooyoung pushed Tiffany towards the big door with Kim Taeyeon's name printed in the middle on a gold plaque and underneath, the letters CEO. Tiffany gulped and her hands were getting clammy. She wondered why, it's not as if she was going to her death. She exhaled slowly and then knocked the door.

"Come in" 

That voice managed to send a shiver down Tiffany's spine, it was deep and cold. Unwelcoming. Tiffany opened the door and stepped inside, she was immediately awestruck at how big the room was and it's design. It was luxurious, Tiffany was too busy looking at the room and didn't notice Taeyeon was sat in her big leather chair looking straight at her.

"Miss Hwang, I would appreciate if you stopped gawking at the room and paid attention to what I have to say." 

Tiffany's eyes immediately shot in Taeyeon's direction, she finally saw the woman who struck fear in many of the workers and who could fire anybody with the click of her fingers. Tiffany froze in place, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She bowed ninety degrees in respect and could feel Taeyeon's eyes dig into her, she bit her lip as she stood up straight again to look the woman in the eyes.

Taeyeon motioned to the seat in front of the desk and watched as the timid girl in front of her scurried to the chair almost immediately. Taeyeon held in a sigh and stuck her hand out to the girl. Tiffany stared at her hand as if it was a foreign object, she was deeply confused which made Taeyeon aggravated.

"Give me your paperwork" Taeyeon huffed, losing her patience with the girl. Tiffany jumped at the raised voice and put her work in Taeyeon's hand, she then looked down again, her hair covering her face.

Taeyeon began reading what Tiffany had done. She was impressed that the little introverted character before her was good with her words and ultimately good at her job for the short amount of time she had been working there. As she continued sifting through the pile, Tiffany raised her head a tad to look at the powerful woman in front of her.

She focused on Taeyeon's eyes, they were a lovely brownish onyx colour and Tiffany could make out little specks of hazel in them too. She moved down to Taeyeon's little button nose...

*Cute* Tiffany thought.

And then finally Taeyeon's lips... They were full and pink and they managed to entrance Tiffany. The way they shone because of the lip gloss she was wearing and their perfect bow shape, and....

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