She Likes You

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Over the next few days, whenever they were at home, Tiffany found Jessica's behaviour a little strange.

Okay so usually, Jessica's mood was usually either icy, sarcastic or happy. Which it was when only she and Tiffany were around. But when Taeyeon came in, Jessica became giggly, giddy and flirty. This didn't sit well with Tiffany. Not at all. She didn't know whether to say something to Jessica or wait to see if it really was something to worry about.

When Taeyeon and Tiffany entered the office together, Taeyeon sat down and Tiffany stayed standing up, looking at her.

"What?" Taeyeon asked.

"Have you noticed that Jessica acts weird around you?" Tiffany asked looking for Taeyeon reaction.

"Weird?" Taeyeon frowned. "Not really."

"Well, after knowing her for years....I've come to the conclusion that she has a crush....on you." Tiffany sighed

"I don't thi..."

"Well I do. So what are we going to do about it Taeyeon? This is only gonna end badly...she could either fall in love with you and get her heart broken, or act on it and lose me as a friend. It'll only end badly" Tiffany repeated, walking over to Taeyeon and sitting on the chairs opposite her desk, resting her head in her hands.

"What do you want me to do?" Taeyeon asked, reaching out for Tiffany's hand.

"I don't know Tae. Maybe I'm mistaken...I'm not sure. But I think we need to know for definite before I bring it up and make things awkward, do you get me?"

"Mmm" Taeyeon didn't like the sound of that.

Tiffany got up and sat in her own chair to start her work. When the time came that Jessica arrived in work, Tiffany told Taeyeon to flirt with her so she could see her reaction.

"Flirt?!" Taeyeon raised her voice. "No way!"

"Please Taeyeon, I just need to be sure. I'll be fine" Tiffany gave a reassuring smile before getting up and calling Jessica in.

As soon as she walked in, Taeyeon gulped.

"Hi Taengoo, Tiff" Jessica smiled

*Pet name - Clue 1* Tiffany thought.

"Morning Jess, uh...."

*Think of something Taeyeon!* she thought to herself.

All of a sudden Taeyeon's phone beeped. She read the text from Tiffany.

'Tell her there's something on her face and go to rub it off'

"Ahem, oh Jess. You have something here" Taeyeon pointed to the spot just under her lips.

*Really Taeyeon? You couldn't have said on her nose or something?* Tiffany huffed.

Jessica brought her hand up and started wiping where Taeyeon had told her.

"No, its there, no...aish" 

Taeyeon got up and bent over the desk in front of Jessica. Her top came down a bit and she saw Jessica glance down at her cleavage. Jess then turned a shade of pink and bit her lip.

*Lip bite and blush - Clue 2* Tiffany sighed quietly.

"It's here" Taeyeon said, rubbing the spot under Jessica's lips, accidentally brushing over them making Jessica's breath hitch. 

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