Taeyeon's Plan

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TaeNy were on round four when Jessica walked in on them the next morning. Since they hadn't locked the door, she leisurely strolled in whilst opening a letter she had received.

"Hey do you know.....Oh my fucking God!"

"Jess get out!" Tiffany screamed and threw a pillow at her before trying to cover her body with the duvet, Taeyeon's fingers were still....you know.

"I can't believe you took my makeup sex advice" she giggled, slapping her thigh as if it was the funniest thing in the world. "Man it stinks in here, open a window or something. Do you want your mum to smell that?"

"Smell what?"

*Oh Jesus*

Taeyeon's mum came in behind Jessica and started to sniff the air. Taeyeon immediately removed her fingers and wiped them on the bed while Tiffany tried to stop her groan of frustration. All girls were so embarrassed as they watched the woman smell and then her face turn sour.

"Oh" she said as she paired the smell with the two girls naked under the duvet. "I'm sorry...I'm going to...yeah" she said as she shut the door.

"Jess you're a fucking twat" Tiffany growled.

"What? I was just saying...I didn't know she was gonna come in did I" Jess said as she sat down and put her feet up.

"Yah! Get out!" Taeyeon shouted

"Aren't you done?" Jessica smirked, she loved pissing off her roommates it was hilarious how mad Tiffany would get.

"Does it look like it?" It was Taeyeon's turn to get angry now, and Jessica didn't like Taeyeon mad, she was scary so she quickly ran out the room. 

However the mood was ruined so the couple flopped back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. Now that they were done with sex, they didn't have really anything to talk about and the awkwardness began to rear it's ugly head again.

"Here, it might make your sex life more interesting" Jessica shouted as she opened the door and threw something on the bed before shutting it again. 

Taeyeon picked it up and immediately dropped it, her eyes growing wide.

"It's new, I haven't used it, think of it as an apology gift for....for locking you up and losing the key Tiff, you're welcome!" She shouted from behind the door. "Your mother thought it was a good idea too!"

Taeyeon groaned as she thought about facing her mother after this. Tiffany meanwhile sat up and grabbed the jet black strap-on and felt it, the length and the girth being measured with her hands.

"You actually wanna use that?" Taeyeon asked with a chuckle.

"Why not? I mean it's good to try something different every now and again" Tiffany replied, somewhat embarrassed by Taeyeon's question.

"Okay, whatever you want babe, but not right now. I'm a bit tired out" she winked before turning over and closing her eyes.

*Okay, although I was excited I guess I can wait* Tiffany thought, letting out a small sigh but still noticed by Taeyeon.

That night with the toy never came.


"Jess please do me this favour, I'm begging you" Taeyeon pleaded.

"Hm, what do I get in return?" 

"A day out with your best friend? I'll give you my card."

"Hmmm, nope that still won't do" 

"Then what do you want?" Taeyeon was beginning to get angry

"I want....you to kiss me"

*What the fuck*

Jessica leaned her face in to Taeyeon's, only a few inches away. Taeyeon seemed to be frozen in place in shock of Jessica's request, they stayed like that for a while until Jessica burst out laughing.

"Oh my god Tae you should've seen your face, classic!" She said as she wiped a tear away, yes she was laughing that hard.

"Hilarious, now are you going to do it?" Taeyeon regained her composure and rolled her eyes at the audacity of the girl in front of her.

"Chill out bro" Jess pounded an unimpressed Taeyeon's shoulder. "Fine, I'll take her out. No need to get pissed"

"Thank you, finally. I'll text you when I'm done okay?"

"Sure sure, go get your Juliet, Romeo" Jessica winked before walking into Tiffany's room to drag her out.


Tiffany had been lugged around probably all the shops in Korea by none other than Jessica Jung, the girl said that she wanted to spend some time with her but Tiffany wasn't convinced. She kept asking to go home as she wanted to check that Taeyeon was okay but Jessica simply refused to drive her back until they were done. Tiffany loved shopping, but not with Jessica. All the latter wanted to look at were either lingerie or sex shops, something Tiffany didn't mind browsing for a little while but....not the whole day.

"Yah! You've bought enough underwear and probably have enough sex toys to make your own dungeon, let's go!"

"Tiff, we cant go ye...."

Jessica was interrupted by her phone, Tiffany waited impatiently until Jessica smiled and put it back in her bag.

"Fine let's go"

*Why the change of heart?* Tiffany wondered, confused 

"Oh shit! We need to get you a dress, come on, hurry" Jess suddenly shouted.

"What? Why?" Tiffany replied as she was now getting dragged to an expensive shop, Tiffany was sure Taeyeon was going to kill Jessica when she found out how much stuff she had bought with her money.

A while later, Tiffany came out of the shop in an elegant long black dress. Jessica had quickly applied some more makeup onto Tiffany's face and had messed around with Tiffany's hair until it looked just right, cascading down one of her shoulders while leaving the other on show. Jessica smiled at her creation, Taeyeon was going to love it.

As they were in the car on the way back home, Tiffany couldn't help but notice Jessica smiling like an idiot. Right when she was about to ask why....

"I hope you have fun tonight Tiff" she winked.

"Why what's happening tonight?" 

No answer, just a smirk. Jessica always found a way to tease the younger girl by not giving or not telling her something. Tiffany huffed and folded her arms, putting herself into the ultimate sulking pose only to be met with a chuckle from Jess.

"You're such a kid"


They arrived back at the apartment complex and it was getting dark. Right when Tiffany stepped into the elevator, Jessica followed her, pressed the highest floor button and got out. Tiffany tried to stop the door but it was no use, Jessica waved goodbye before it shut. Tiffany wondered why she was going to the top floor but a text interrupted her thoughts, it was from Jessica.

'Go up the last flight of stairs to the rooftop, have fun baby!'


Tiffany sighed and decided to just go along with what Jessica said, she had nothing else to do. So as soon as the elevator stopped, she looked for the stairs and began to climb them up to the rooftop. She heard romantic piano music in the distance and frowned, what was going on?

As soon as she opened the door to the rooftop however, she knew exactly what was happening. With a newly acquired eyesmile, she stepped out and saw a line of rose petals which were kept in a straight line by candles either side making a pathway. Tiffany felt her tears already starting to drop and took the first step onto the improvised road which led to the back of the rooftop, once she got there.....

"Good evening beautiful" 

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