Chapter 8

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'3RD April 1950

Dear Mum,

I was born 5 years before the war and I was a kid in it. It's scary and I had to do it alone. It finished when I was 11 and I am so glad for that. It's been 5 years since the war and our country is finally starting to rebuild itself. Why weren't you here for me? Why the hell would you volunteer to nurse in the war?

I'm a 16-year-old girl in love with a boy and I don't have a Mother who can tell me what to do. I asked Grandma Lilly but she's scared by the war and won't tell me anything. Peter is my gentleman, I'm so in love with him and he gives me a rose every time I see him. I miss you terribly and I wish I didn't have to live with Grandmother Lilly. I didn't even get to read your entry because you were killed before you could write in it. The one good thing that happened is Grandma Lilly taught me all about my powers. I can kill with a single touch and share my memories with others, it's actually fun. Apparently, every firstborn Adler has at least one of these powers. It is a bit dangerous and some people fear me but I love having power. I know it shouldn't exist but it just does in our family. School has been good, I can't wait to finish High School. I hate it being an all-girls school, I wish Peter went to my school and not Brockwell all boys Academy. Grandma Lilly is the Principal and it pays to have my guardian as the Principal. Also, it makes it hard to make friends but I have Peter. He is all I need.

Grandma Lilly told me about a lake that she found when she was Pregnant with Mum. She gave me instructions on how to find it. In case anyone else reads this, you exit the school and walk straight for 1 km and then turn right. Walk right for 10 m and then turn Left. Walk that way for 20 m and you'll find the lake.

Forever a longing Daughter,

Mary Adler'

I closed the book and went up to my dorm. Lexi, Bianca and Bree were asleep and I laid down on my bed. These letters are really helping me learn about my incidents, only now they're powers. Tomorrow's my last day of in-school suspension and then I've got detentions and then I'm free. Woohoo! I got up out of bed, I'm not actually tired yet. I walked back down to the now empty common room. I sat down at a table and filled in all that I've learned into my Family Tree. Like that Lilly's daughter was banished for reason unknown and that all my family has fallen pregnant at 18 so far in the entries.

Now feeling tired I headed to bed and fell asleep easily. I woke up with Lexi shaking me, I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me.

"Get up, you've got to get to Professor Carmon's office," Lexi said.

"Ok," I replied and got dressed into my school uniform.

"Have fun, I can't wait until you're back. I've missed you so much in classes," Lexi told me.

"We are having a party tonight to celebrate freedom, tell everyone. Tell everyone to meet me just outside the school and to wear togs. Gotta go bye," I said and ran to Rachel's class.

Bianca was once again waiting outside and I joined her. We stood in silence for a while, I was arguing with my brain. Do I invite her or not? Yeah, I should, it's the right thing to do.

"Lexi and I are throwing a party tonight to celebrate me no longer being suspended. You can come if you want. It's a pool party. Meet outside the school," I offered as Rachel opened her door.

We walked in and sat down but this time Bianca sat next to me. Rachel sat at her desk and pulled out her Percy Jackson book. We waited in silence for her to tell us what to do but she didn't. I stood up and walked over to her. I tapped lightly on Rachel's shoulder and she looked up at me.

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