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I woke up this morning feeling the nervous jitters take over my body. Today I was officially going to check out the place that I had purchased for my new photography studio here in Virginia. I've worked soo hard to get to this point in my life and now I'm finally accomplishing it. Photography has always been a passion of mine since middle school. I've even gotten a degree for it in college.

My Dad always knew I was gonna be the one to pursue my dreams because of how dedicated I always was and still am. I have my own car, my own house in a lovely quiet neighborhood, and now my own studio here in the metro part of Arlington, Virginia.

Yeah I'm happy with all the goals I've accomplished soo far but there is one thing that is frustrating me right now....

"I thought I was gonna have to come in here and wake you up." My girlfriend, Kiara, said as she came in the bedroom with two cups of coffee in her hand.

She handed me one cup as she sat hers down on the nightstand.

"You look sick. You alright?" She asked in a concerning tone as she stared at me with those hazel eyes of hers.

"Just nervous and excited." I answered.

Kiara nodded her head as she began to get undressed. I bit down on my bottom lip seductively as my eyes roamed down her toned body.

I sat my coffee down and got up from the bed. I walked up behind Kiara and caressed her body while planting kisses on her shoulder.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Kiara asked as she turned around to face me.

"How about you help me get over my nervousness." I replied while trailing my finger down her chest area.

"I have to get ready for work and you got to meet Makiyah and Diamond over at the studio. Besides, we had sex last night. That should've been enough."

Kiara kissed my forehead before walking in the bathroom to shower.

"That's the thing...last night wasn't enough." I mumbled under my breath before sighing.

Kiara and I been together for almost a year now and it's like the relationship has just become boring. We barely go out to do anything and the sex is just mediocre. Sometimes I have to pull out the vibrator and help myself finish because she couldn't. The sad part about it is that it never used to be this way. I'm honestly trying my best to rekindle whatever flame that has died down but it's honestly hard when she barely wanna try.

I grabbed some clothes out the closet and headed to the guest bathroom to shower because there wasn't no point in me trying to encourage a nice shower together with Kiara.

After I showered and brushed my teeth, I threw on the clothes I was going to wear today and grabbed my phone and car keys.

"Alright Babe....I'll probably be back later on tonight." I told Kiara as I was heading out the door.

"Cool. See ya."

Rolling my eyes, I headed out to my car and just drove off to the studio.

When I arrived, I seen my good friend, Makiyah, and my bestfriend, Diamond, outside waiting for me.

"Good morningggg!" Makiyah said in an excited tone as she ran over to hug me. "How are we feeling this morning?"

"I'm alright." I plainly said which caused Makiyah to raise a brow in curiosity.

"What's wrong?"

"Kiara and I as always. Same old shit honestly." I informed.

"She still being a boring, basic ass bitch, huh?" She asked while folding her arms across her chest.

Temptation (Rewrite of Turned Out) StudxFem (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now