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After what seemed like a very long two weeks of renovating and getting some inspection done, my photography studio was finally finished and now open for business. I was soo excited this morning that I could barely eat anything.

"Are you gonna stop by the studio to see how it looks later on today?" I asked Kiara who was washing some dishes. "I mean you do have a day off today so..."

Kiara looked back at me and smiled, "Of course, babe. After I run some errands today I'll stop by."

I wanted to believe her since she has been showing SOME improvement lately but a part of me doubted her at the same time. I guess Kiara noticed the uncertainty in my demeanor so she dried her hands off and walked over to me, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I'll be there no later than three. Alright?"

"Alright.....but I need to get going I already have four clients today and I do not want to be late with my first one."

"Alright. I'll see you later on." Kiara said as I rushed out the door.

I really hope she sticks to her word....

When I arrived at the studio, I quickly rushed inside so I can go ahead and get my first client out the way. It was a mother who had booked me to take pictures of her sixteen year old daughter since it was her birthday today.

Makiyah and Diamond had already did the set up for me which was a relief.

"Alright Bryanna, could you hold the balloons a little bit higher and just tilt your head a tiny bit to side for me."

I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear as I took Bryanna's pictures. I felt soo in my element and I was just honestly happy that I accomplished my dream.

As the hours quickly flew by, I had people coming in and calling to book me for future photo shoots at their events. Even a few nosey people stopped by just to take a peek inside my studio.

"Make sure to tell the nosey ass church folk about this place." Makiyah blurted out to a group of women who came by just to look around.

They rolled their eyes and walked out as they mumbled under their breaths.

"Makiyah!" I said before pinching her arm.

"Ow! I'm sorry."

"You gonna give my place a bad rep if you do that again." I scolded her with a small smile on my face.

"Makiyah is a pro at doing that." Diamond butted in as she walked over. "Ain't that right, Makiyah?"

"Bitch, shut up. Your presence here alone gonna give this place a bad reputation."

The two of them began to bicker amongst themselves as usual which only made me shake my head. These two will never get along.

"OKAY LISTEN!" I yelled to quiet them both down. "Both of y'all heffas gonna give my studio a bad rep if you continue arguing with each other like this."

"You right. I'm sorry, Nia." Makiyah apologized, making Diamond roll her eyes.

"Anyways, I have to go."

"Where you going?" I asked Diamond as she started walking to the door.

"To be a whore." I heard Makiyah mumble under her breath.

"I have a date later with a certain guy I may or may not have met at the mall the other day." Diamond blew me a kiss and flipped Makiyah off before heading right out the door.

"She really gonna leave like we not gonna still need her help here."

"It's fine," I reassured Makiyah. "We got all the clients out the way and nobody else seem to be coming in right now to book anything so we should be good."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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