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After a long day of ordering photography equipment and wine cooler drinking, I arrived back home to take a much needed hot bubble bath to relax myself. As usual, Kiara was wrapped up in her video games when I walked in the bedroom. She didn't even notice me until purposely slammed the door shut behind me.

"Oh shit. Hey, babe." Kiara said as she peeled her eyes away from the tv screen for only a second.

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I took my jacket off, tossing it on the bed. Every night she always make time for those stupid video games and not enough time on us. I always make sure to grab something to eat before I get home, when I do stay out later than usual, because she doesn't surprise me with an actual home cooked meal.

"How was work?" I asked her as I began to take my shirt off.

Kiara didn't even answer me because she was soo dead into her games which pissed me off. Once I took my shirt off, I balled it up and threw it at her head angrily.

"Nia, what the hell?!" Kiara said in a confused, yet, annoyed tone as she turned around to look at me. "Why you throwing shit at me?"

"Because you didn't hear anything I said." I spat back in an irritated tone. "I asked you how was work but you over there glued to the fucking game as usual."

Kiara rolled her eyes as she paused the game.

"You happy now?" She asked.

I just shook my head and walked to the bathroom to run my bath.

"When I'm on the game you get mad and when I pause the game you still mad. I can't win with you." Kiara began to argue as she walked in the bathroom.

"Yeah you PAUSED the game. Like that's really supposed to make a difference. You're attention is on everything else but me, Kiara." I stated as I ran the warm water in the tub.

"Here you go with this shit again." Kiara sighed in aggravation before walking back out to the bedroom.

I began to laugh as the anger and frustration in me began to build up. I tried to take a deep breath and calm myself down before exploding but it was no use. Once the tub was filled to a decent level. I turned the water off and stormed back into the bedroom to give Kiara a piece of my mind.

"You know what Kiara, I've been really trying to make shit work between us but you just make it soo difficult to do that. You don't ask me about my day. You don't give me enough attention at all. You're always playing your stupid ass video. We never go anywhere and you don't even make me cum anymore because we stay doing that basic vanilla ass sex!" I shouted as my body grew hot from being angry. "For once I would love to come home to a surprise candle lit dinner or something, Kiara!"

"First of all, you always wanna argue about this bullshit when I already told you my reasons!" Kiara shouted back at me. "I'm starting to feel like you just mad because I don't wanna do all those crazy ass sex ideas you be trying to throw at me. I told you I'm not comfortable with doing certain shit that you wanna fucking do."

"It's not about fucking sex, Kiara! It's about our relationship falling apart...."

There was a brief silence between me and Kiara but the tension in the room was definitely still there.

"We've been together for almost a year....and now everything is just....dull." I finally said as a tear began to roll down my cheek. "We never used to be like this but now look....."

Kiara noticed the tears beginning to fall more constantly down my face so she walked over to me and tried to give me a hug but I pulled away from her. I was hurt and tired.

"Nia.....I'm sorry." Kiara apologetically said before sighing. "You're right...I have been slacking in this relationship but I'm gonna do better. I'm gonna change my ways and be that person you fell in love with again. I hate arguing with you and seeing you hurt all because of my selfish ways now..."

I just stood there shaking my head slowly as I began to grow numb to the situation. I didn't believe anything she was telling me mainly because she always would tell me these things and still not stick to her word.

"I'm really sorry, babe."

Kiara pulled me into a hug and began to rub my back in a comforting manner as the last few tears descended from my eyes and onto her shoulder.

"Just let me take a bath..."

I pulled away from Kiara and wiped my eyes before grabbing my cellphone and my clean undergarments from the drawer. I walked to the bathroom and just closed the door behind me, leaving Kiara in the bedroom to sulk over the argument we just had.

Before I got in the tub, I texted Yani and told her to come to the studio early in the morning to start painting.

I felt soo stressed out and alone. I know I have Makiyah and Diamond helping me out with this photography studio but sometimes I wonder if I'm getting too far ahead of myself with everything dealing with it. What makes it worse is that Kiara claims she supports me in doing this but she doesn't even offer to help out or even give me an encouraging pep talk about it.

I'm just soo tired of dealing with this dull ass relationship but I hate that I have such a forgiving heart. When Kiara apologizes to me and tells me that's she's gonna do better, it actually does sound sincere but she just too lazy to put in effort anymore and honestly....I'm getting tired of trying to fix it.

After Yani texted back saying she'll be at the studio tomorrow morning, I went through my playlist and played Summer Walker's song "Insane" before getting in the tub to soak.

I sunk down in the warm water a little bit, instantly feeling myself becoming relaxed as I closed my eyes and tried to forget about everything....

Just a quick update so I won't get lost in that long ass line at Walmart again 😔🚶🏽‍♀️

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