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The next morning was rather busy at the studio. Makiyah and I were helping Yani paint the walls since she was kind enough to not charge me for it.

"Diamond should've been here helping too." Makiyah said with an attitude.

"Well I texted her before I left the house and she said she was gonna stop by but we will see I guess." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"Mhmmm. How are you this morning?" Makiyah asked as she gave me a curious look.

"I'm alright I guess." I replied. "Kiara and I argued again last night.."

"Awe...I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright. I'm starting to feel numb towards the situation now. We argue, she apologizes and swears up and down she'll do better, and then we repeat the process all over again. It's honestly a never ending tiresome cycle."

Makiyah gave me a small encouraging smile before continuing with the painting.

"So how do you know Yani?" I suddenly asked as I glanced over at Yani who was busy painting the other side of the room.

"Her and my ex boyfriend used to be close friends until that whole dumb situation with him cheating on me happened. Then we both cut his ass off and started hanging out."

"Interesting...." I said in a low whisper as I stared at Yani.

She must've felt my eyes on her because she looked back at me and smirked before turning back around. I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment as I dipped the paint brush in the black paint.

"Go talk to her." Makiyah said as she nudged me. "She looks lonely over there."

Before I could protest, Makiyah gave me a small push towards Yani's direction and laughed as she waved at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Yani feeling oddly nervous for no reason.

"Need some company?" I asked, making Yani look at me.

"Sure." Yani answered with a small grin on her face. "Got tired of staring at me from a distance?"

Ive never felt my face burn soo much in my life.

"For your information I wasn't staring at you." I lied. "I was just....observing."

Yani chuckled, clearly not believing me.

"If it makes you feel any better.....I've been observing you too."

My stomach started doing all kinds of flips as Yani stared at me with those dark, brown eyes of hers.

"Oh really?" I said with a raised brow.

Yani bit down on her bottom lip as she looked me up and down slowly. My heart was thundering in my chest as she suddenly stepped a little closer to me.

"What you think?" Was all she said in a very low and rather seductive like tone as she looked me directly in the eyes, drawing me in.

"I...I....I think you're trying to seduce me." I blurted out as I kept my eyes trained on hers.

Yani chuckled and shrugged her shoulders  before taking a few more steps towards me. Her dominating energy was definitely overwhelming but in a good way. Not once did she break eye contact with me which was definitely a turn on and that's probably why I was soo nervous right now.

Like I could barely speak...let alone breathe right now. Plus, I was getting this tingling sensation in a certain area on my body that should definitely not be tingling.

"You seem uncomfortable...Am I making you nervous, Nia?" Yani asked as she trained her eyes on my lips now.

I stood there silent as these very inappropriate images began to flash in my mind. Images that didn't involve Kiara whatsoever.

I could tell Yani was enjoying every second of this just by how she was smirking at me.

"Well I-" Before I could get the rest of my words out, Diamond had walked in being loud as usual.

"I'm here! So you can stop blowing my phone up now, Makiyah." Diamond said with an attitude.

"First of all you can drop that little attitude you got right now." I heard Makiyah snap back.

"Let me go handle that before it escalates." I quickly said to Yani before rushing over to Diamond.

"Anywayssssss!" I butted in as I wrapped my arm around Diamond. "She's here now and that's all that matters."

Makiyah rolled her eyes and went back to painting the walls as I stood there talking with Diamond.

"She got one more time, Nia." Diamond warned as she glared at Makiyah. "Why we even painting and shit? Didn't you hire somebody to do all this?"

"I did but she decided to not charge me anything so I thought I could help her out atleast since she was kind enough to do that for me." I explained.

"Well who is this she person that you're speaking of?" Diamond asked, clearly not really interested.

I walked Diamond over to Yani and introduced them to each other.

"Diamond, this is Yani."

I noticed Diamond biting down on her bottom lip as she looked Yani up and down like she was a piece of fresh meat.

"I would shake your hand but, unfortunately, they're covered in paint a little bit." Yani said to Diamond and she showed her the paint that hand gotten on her hands.

"You are FINE. Trust me." Diamond stated as she continued to undress Yani with her eyes.

"Okayyyy....How about you help me and Makiyah paint the other side so Yani can focus on this side, okay?"

"I think I'll stay over here and help Yani." Diamond told me as she grinned at her in a flirtatious way. "Besides, you know me and Makiyah gonna just bump heads and argue because she always got some slick shit to say."

I stood there, feeling oddly jealous, as I watched Diamond and Yani walk away from me to finish painting the wall.

"Girl, stop being jealous," I thought to myself as I walked back over to Makiyah. "You're in a whole relationship and barely know Yani. Stop it."

"Please tell me you didn't leave the whore over there with Yani?" Makiyah asked in concern as soon as approached her.

"She's not a whore so don't call her that."

"Okayyyy...Please tell me you didn't leave that hoe over there with Yani? Better??" Makiyah asked me in a sarcastic tone as she placed a hand on her hip.

I just shook my head and went back to painting.....but I still couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

"Worry about Kiara. Not Yani!" I repeated in my head but it didn't help get rid of the slight jealousy I had over Diamond helping Yani......a person I literally just met a day ago......

What the hell is wrong with me....

Temptation (Rewrite of Turned Out) StudxFem (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now