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The next morning, after having an unnecessary argument with Kiara, I headed over to the studio to meet Makiyah and the person she had called yesterday to come paint for me.

I could honestly say that I am running on low energy and severe sexual deprivation but I'll just have to toss all that to the side and focus on what's important to me right now.

When I finally arrived at the studio, I seen Makiyah waiting for me by a red pick up truck. I assumed it belonged to the person she called because I seen Makiyah's car parked on the other side of small parking lot.

"I was wondering when you were gonna show up." Makiyah said as I walked over to her.

"I know I'm a few minutes late but I'm here now." I said while plastering on a fake smile.

Makiyah eyed me for a few seconds, clearly sensing that something was wrong with me, before walking me over to the truck to introduce me to whoever she had called.

"Alright so Nia, this is the person I was telling you about."

Stepping out of the truck was this masculine, light skin female with jet black hair, that was slicked back behind her ears, and dark brown eyes. She had a septum piercing and an eyebrow piercing and tattoos on both sides of her neck. She wore a black bandanna around her head and had on these paint stained clothes. She looked like she could be a good five foot, and eight inches tall.

"Nia, this is Yani." Makiyah said as soon as Yani walked over to us. "And Yani, this is Nia."

"Nice to meet you, Nia." Yani said as she extended her hand out for a hand shake.

Gosh her voice was feminine but also masculine at the same time with the right amount of deepness to it. I shook her hand and instantly noticed how soft they were.

"Nice to meet you too..." I said while still staring her down.

"I already gave Yani the tour of the place so don't worry about all that." Makiyah stated as she smiled at me.

"Thank you." I mouthed to Makiyah before turning my attention back to Yani.

"So my plan was to have the walls painted a bright color but I think black would do."

As I continued to run my mouth about what I wanted done to the studio, I noticed how Yani kept eye contact with me the whole time which made my stomach flutter. Something about her was soo intimidating.... but in a good way.

"I'm sorry for running my mouth like this." I apologized in a sheepish tone.

"You good. Whatever you want me to do I'll do it." Yani said as she still kept that direct eye contact with me.

"R-really?" I stammered as my face flushed from all this intensity.

Yani chuckled as she finally broke the eye contact. She definitely knew what the hell she was doing.

"Anyways...." I awkwardly began. "What are you gonna charge me for the paint job?"

"Don't worry about it." Yani casually said as she headed back to her truck.

"Wait, seriously??" I said in obvious confusion.

"I can see how passionate you are about this so it's no charge." Yani said as she grinned at me.

"Wow...Uhh thank you. Will you be able to start today or....?"

"Unfortunately, I can't because I have another job to do but I can be here sometime tomorrow if that's fine with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I replied back.

"Cool. Let me give you my number so you can just call me and let me know what time to show up."

After I got Yani's number, she got in her truck and left.

"Well that was generous of her." Makiyah said after watching Yani's truck disappear down the street. "And you don't look flushed anymoreee."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I quickly said before rushing inside.

"I seen how you two were staring at each otherrrr." Makiyah teased. "She fine, huh?"

"My girlfriend is fine. Thank you very much."

Makiyah rolled her eyes and said, "Nia, just admit it. Yani is attractive."

"Fineeeee," I finally admitted with a slight groan. "She's attractive but so is my girlfriend....even though she's depriving me sexually and romantically."

"And this is exactly why I bought these. Wait here." Makiyah disappeared into the back and then quickly came back with a case of wine coolers.

I couldn't help but giggled at the little dance she was doing before finding a spot on the floor and sitting. I sat down beside her on the floor as she took two wine coolers out.

"I honestly don't know why you're still with her. If my needs weren't being satisfied anymore, girlllll." Makiyah began as she handed me one of the coolers.

I chuckled a little and just shrugged my shoulders as I popped the cap off the bottle and took a generous swig from it.

"I don't know either.....I guess this is just me still trying to have hope even though the relationship is boring. This morning we argued because I told Kiara that I was tired of the basic  shit we always do in the bedroom." I explained before taking another sip of my drink.

"And that touched her nerve, huh?"

"Yep...But ughhhhhh Makiyah, she just doesn't understand how bad I want to be choked up and fucked on the kitchen counter like a slut."

Makiyah began to laugh hysterically.

"I'm serioussss," I dragged out while laughing right along with her. "Like I just wanna be dominated and do soo much nasty and adventurous shit. I wanna have sex at a secluded part in a park. I wanna get dragged into a changing room and railed when I'm having an attitude. I want my fucking ass ate! Like I'm starveddd."

"I'm fucking weak! Girl, have you been talking to her about her behavior?" Makiyah asked.

"I have talked to her about it soo many times Makiyah, but it goes in one ear and out the other. I can't even remember the last time we've done something fun together...She claims she'll do better but nothing's changed and when I get on her about neglecting my wants and needs in the bedroom she just blows up and explains how's she's not comfortable doing those things so..."

After I finished talking, I chugged down the rest of my drink and grabbed another one.

"She's such a vanilla," Makiyah said while rolling her eyes. "I know a vibrator done became your bestfriend and lover now, huh?"

"Sadly yes, but atleast it makes me cum back to back when she's not home."

"Cheers to the vibrator!" Makiyah cheered as she lifted her bottle in the air.

"Cheers indeed."

Makiyah and I clinked our bottles together and continued to joke about the situation but I must admit.......

I couldn't help but think about Yani and that direct eye contact she was giving me this morning that was making my insides melt.

She definitely was doing that shit on purpose...

Temptation (Rewrite of Turned Out) StudxFem (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now