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TW: Death, mention of burns(cause lava yk-), y e a h, mention of yelling, if theres more, tell me so I can add them

The chest held one thing. A note, I didnt lift it, I could see what it said.

Caught you

"Oh..." It flashed into my head, Purpled standing by the.. Lever. 'I saw him set this up, how could I be so stupid?! Now Quackity will get hurt, because of me!'

I didn't hear what they said, and suddenly I was falling, I saw Quackity fall too, a warm, literally warm, light falling in patterns on his face as we fell into a bunker kind of thing, lava surrounding us.

Quackity and Purpled yelled, then Quackity looked at me, I cowered by the far edge of this bridge thing,

"Quackity im sorry- he said he was gonna help and I- I didnt realize-"

Quackity cut me off, looking back at Purpled

"Listen. Listen. Listen." I tuned it out.

"Have it your way." Purpled said and ran at me, I flinched shielding myself, 

"NO NO NO NO! PURPLED NO-" Quackity yelled as Purpled punched me off the edge,

"Quackity!" It sounded weak as I fell, Quackity kept yelling, and suddenly he jumped, landing in the lava by me, his netherite armor glowing, I had been focusing on Quackity yelling, and now I felt really bad. I was on fire, my hands were burnt, this would be worse if I was human, I knew, but it still hurt so much.

"SLIME GET IN THE SAND!" Quackity was placing sand, I looked at it, then threw myself at Quackity,

"Thank you for showing me what its like to be human Quackity." I said as he hugged me tightly, like if he didnt let go, I wouldnt be gone.

But I already was.

"Im sorry Quackity."

AHHHHHHH- But wasnt the lore stream so sad? Like C!Purpled I want to punch you in the gut, but also youre like my favorite character except Slime-
307 words

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