
544 19 17

TW: Mentions of death, mention of yelling ig

I ran back to Las Nevadas. When I got there, I saw a man in Purple. I ran over to him,

"Hello!" He turned around to look at me, then backed away,

"Y-you died!" He stuttered and I shrugged,

"Yep! Im back though!" He looked panicked,

"I- I didnt mean to kill you!" he blurted out, I blinked

"Purpled from UFO, you pushed me. On purpose." Purpled stepped back again, I stepped forward, why was he going away?

"Im sorry-"

"Youre not."

Another step back, why?

"Just g-go away!" He finally yelled and I nodded,

"This was a nice chat Purpled from UFO!" I said happily and walked away, still wondering why he was so scared.

Really, really, very short chapter- sorry about that-
Edit:it takes thirty seconds to read apparently, this is great :,D
128 words

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