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TW: mention of death

"Charlie! Youre back!" He exclaimed, I nodded,

"Yes I am Quackity from Las Nevadas!" I smiled "I needed to go to Kinoko Kingdom to make the people pay for making you sad." Quackity stepped back,

"What did you do to them?" I shrugged,

"I had a sword fight, and won! Then I told them to not hurt you again, I think I looked scary!" Quackity chuckled

"You looking scary, I don't believe that for two seconds."


Days, weeks, months, passed. Quackity still sometimes went out, and still sometimes talked to Wilbur, and kept stealing boxes from Wilbur, and throwing them away in the casino. It was weird, but I grew used to watching them bicker over nothing.

At one point the both had others with them, Quackity had a kid in a green shirt, Tubbo, and Wilbur Soot had my good friend Ranboo! Tubbo and Ranboo looked at each other the whole time, the looked kinda sad. That made me sad.


Las Nevadas was already opened when I got back, and it was amazing! One day I was walkin along the beach and I found a box, there was a note attached and it said it was from Quackity from Las Nevadas, for me.

I picked it up then plopped down into the sand and opened it.

It held all sorts of cool stuff, some poker chips Quackity had taught me about, and some cards, and other stuff! Why was it all the way over here?

I decided to give it back.

I ran up to Quackity, he was sitting in his office,

"Quackity from Las Nevadas, I found this!" He turned to look at me, I showed him the box and his eyes widened.

"You got it!" he said smiling, and almost jumping out of his seat, "Did you open it?" I nodded,

"Its very cool! Thank you Quackity from Las Nevadas!" I pointed to the note, the words, 'Fulfill our Legacy' "Thanks for gooping man! I'm glad you listened to my words in the book!" Quackity nodded this time,

"It took me a while to decode it, by the time I got back you had already left... Im glad I didn't lose you, best friend." I hugged him (it would be a good time to mention I got goop all over his clean work outfit) and when I pulled away, his face was scrunched up. "Work outfit Charlie."

"Oops! Sorry Quackity from Las Nevadas!"

(if you didnt see the stream or VOD)

(if you didnt see the stream or VOD)

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Wait... Do I really need to say this? I just want it to go on forever, but this is as far as the plans go...

THE END! I hope you enjoyed!

Remember to eat, sleep and drink water!

Tell me if you want a second book, and if you have ideas for it, im open to listen to them!
479 words

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