7- Fighting?

517 20 28

TW: Mention on smoking, mention of fighting, yeap.

I ran through Las Nevadas, looking for Quackity.

Many minutes passed, Then saw him! He had changed his clothes, they looked nicer now, and he was talking to someone, someone with brown hair and a white streak in his hair, he also wore a dirty coat.

When I walked closer, it seemed they were fighting, I frowned, walking forward more, and hiding behind a wall.

"Oh shut up Wilbur! YOU were on this land, where you know you aren't supposed to be!" Wilbur shrugged,

"You never did tell me why I'm not allowed Quackity." Quackity groaned,

"Because of what you did to Manberg, Wilbur!" Wilbur smiled

"It was so pretty wasnt it? With that big crater?" Wilbur ran his fingers through his bangs, then coughed and  took a box out of his coat pocket. Quackity grabbed it, and put it in his own pocket. "Hey!" Wilbur exclaimed, Quackity rolled his eyes, "Give that back Quackity!"





"No, Wilbur."

"But Quackityyyy-"

"No, Im not letting you smoke, especially not here!"

I blinked, tuning out their conversation, I thought they were fighting, this isn't really mean; And what about that box? What is that?

Wilbur pouted,

"Quackityyyy," Quackity held up his middle finger than began to walk towards me. He still didnt give Wilbur the box back.

Wilbur just stood, watching as Quackity left.

I jumped out of the shadows where I had been hiding, and hugged Quackity.

"Quackity from Las Nevadas!" He froze, and slowly his arms wrapped around me too, a hug, I missed hugs.

Hug for you, and for you too! Hugs for everyone!
270 words

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