4-the kingdom

683 20 27

TW: Karlnap, mention of death

Quackity mentioned two names, Karl and Sapnap. I know them! Who are they?

Karl Jacobs from [ERROR]

Sapnap from Kinoko Kingdom

That's where Charlie would start. Kinoko.

"Where is that?"


I gasped, a pretty mushroom palace! This was Kinoko alright. That was Sapnap. I saw the man sitting alone, a picture of a flame on his white shirt, I plopped myself next to him.

"Being dead was weird." I said. The man looked up

"I may as well be." he whispered, "Who are you?" I blinked,

"My name is Charlie. Charlie Slime..." Sapnap smiled

"Im Sapnap! You look to have a kind of Popsicle stick on your head." he pointed out, I nodded, happily.

"Slimecicle! Im a slimecicle!" I giggled, then suddenly asked, "Do you know Quackity from Las Nevadas?" Sapnap froze, then nodded.

"I-I do know Quackity." he murmured, looking away, I followed his gaze, at first he seemed to be looking at a cool building but soon I saw a pretty man, standing by a big dragon, wearing a colorful sweatshirt, he had chocolate brown hair.

"Karl Jacobs from...." I shook my head, Sapnap looked at me,

"Karl and Quackity used to be so close, but something happened. Some shit has gone on between them." Sapnap stood up "Im going over there." he said, "It was nice to meet you Charlie Slime..cicle, Charlie Slimecicle." he waved and I did the same.

When he walked up to Karl, he said something, I watched, Karl seemed to get mad and turned away, but Sapnap put a hand on Karls shoulder, Karl looked back at Sapnap, then they hugged.

Sapnap kissed the top of Karls head, and Karl looked to have calmed down.

I frowned, this was nice, but they hurt Quackity, they had to pay.

yeap. thats that.

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