
726 20 11

TW: small panic attack

Quackity didnt come back for a while this time. Why?

Am I not good?

Was I a bad friend?

"Please come back Quackity from Las Nevadas..."

Days later, he did come back, he looked even worse than before, then told me about some people who hurt him. They made him sad. Then he talked about the books again, he said my name.


I wanted to hug him, I had never had a name before! Then he opened the chest, and found the book! HE FOUND IT! He took it and ran, he promised something.

I fell to the ground. My head pounded. My hands were green. I took in my surroundings, thought about what I looked like, counted my fingers, slowed my breathing. Why am I panicking?

"Help... Please.." I whispered.


I sat for hours, or maybe it was just long minutes, Quackity will come back to help me, he will. He didn't.

I stood up, Quackity always went towards the far wall when he left. There had to be a way out, there was.

I blinked in the light, crawling out of the ground, the place was beautiful, the night air crisp and cool.

Quackity must be asleep. Now I had to find the ones who made him sad, they couldn't make my best friend sad and get away with it.

Sorry its late and short, I was busy yesterday, but here ya go :D
237 words

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