
606 19 24

TW: sword fighting, mention of wounds, mentions of death

I stood up, walking over to them.
"Sapnap from Kinoko Kingdom! You didn't finish telling me about Quackity from Las Nevadas!" I said, and Sapnap looked at me, Karl glared,

"Why were you talking about that murderer?" Sapnap sighed,

"Karl please..." Karl frowned in reply turning away from us. Perfect. Sapnaps face fell,

"He talks about you." I said, both looked at me

"He what?" Karl asked, I smiled

"He talks about you, and how you hurt him." Sapnap looked even more sad, I smiled more,

"WE HURT HIM?! HE KILLED ME!" Karl yelled and I stepped back,

"My best friend Quackity from Las Nevadas wouldnt hurt anyone on purpose!" I retorted, Karl stepped forward,

"Get out." he said calmly, too calmly. I shook my head,

"Not until you pay for what you did to
my best friend!" I exclaimed. Karl stepped forward again, pushing me back, towards a ledge,

"OUT!" He yelled, I looked at the edge, seeing lava I tried to step forward, the lave disappeared, the grass down there was green, it was just my head. I looked back at Karl,

"No!" He pressed forward more, the lava was back again "Wait- please- I dont wanna die in the l-lava again!" my foot slipped and Karl grabbed my hand.

"Theres no lava here." He said, pulling me forward. "Theres also a staircase right there, leave." he tossed me towards it, he was surprisingly strong. Then he wiped some of my goop on his pants and walked back over to Sapnap.

I grabbed my stick from my head, running at Karl I stood between him and Sapnap, holding the stick as if it were a sword.

"I will kill you for hurting my best friend Quackity from Las Nevadas." I said. Karl held out a diamond sword, handing it to me, and grabbing his own from Sapnap.

"Just try." He challenged.

Sapnap stepped back, fear in his eyes.

"Youre so useless as a military guard Sapnap." Karl hissed, Sapnaps face fell even more, he looked really sad. Then Karl slashed at me with his sword, I blocked it, then returned a stab, Karl... Didnt block it? My sword plunged into his arm, he dropped his blade, and I pulled mine away, bringing it up by his throat.

"Never hurt my best friend again. Either of you." The truth was, I dont know how to use this blue weapon, that was actually the first time I held one, but Karl and Sapnap probably thought I knew and that was enough.

Karl and Sapnap nodded, and I walked away, dropping the sword at their feet.

430 words

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