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The trio patiently waited for Y/n to show up. Rather, Yuka and Kou we're waiting patiently, Ryuko was impatiently tapping his foot.

"She's probably running late."
"Wait, I meant they're." Kou corrected herself.

"Training shouldn't take that long, though." Yuka laid on the ground.

"That's the thing, they aren't at training." Ryuko snapped.

"What? That's what Y/n told me!"

"They didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Y/n's going to battle again."

While Kou sat in confusion, Yuka sat up, almost losing balance.

"But their-"

"It healed months ago. They showed it off when telling me."

"I'm lost." Kou jumped in.

The two both faced the young one. Each of them wondering if they should tell her.

"You know that big war that happened 3 years ago?" Yuka spoke up.
"They had the glorified honor to fight in that wat, and got shot in the chest."


"Y/n promised they wouldn't accept an offer to fight in any future battles." Ryuko crossed his arms.

"'Im sure it's for good purpose." Kou tried to brighten the topic.

"They almost died, Kou."

"Why the hell would you say that!?" Yuka spat.

"It's true, is it not?"

"You don't just go around telling people our best friend almost died!"

"The world we live in is cruel, Yuka. People are gonna die, whether it be in battle or natural causes."

"You're missing the point, Ryu! Y/n's alive and well now, you don't need to tell others otherwise!"

"It's fine guys, I understand now, please don't argue." Kou attempted to calm the two.

"Stay out of this!" They both yelled.

She looked back in shock, deciding to let them go at it. It wasn't the first time she had seen her brother argue with someone, and it didn't affect her to see it happen because it always ended up with him saying the exact same thing.

"You know what? Fuck you."

"You wish you could!" Ryuko hissed.

Yuka left the courtyard, and Ryuko watched, sighing. He then sat beside Kou, who didn't seem phased at all.

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