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"Y/n, Hi!" Kou called out after the queen took her leave.

"Kou, Yuka." Y/n smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"We saw you with the commander earlier, and Ryuko was being a dad about it." Yuka crossed his arms.

Kou sighed at her brother's stupidity whilst shaking her head.

"You were there?"

"We were passing by."
"How did it go with the commander anyway?"

"It was alright."

"Y/n, do you actually like being with the commander's group?"

They swallowed the familiar lump in their throat to prevent making a scene while still in the main room. So they shook their head.

"I'm gonna give that bitch the ass whooping of a life time." Yuka made his way to the commanders direction, rolling up his sleeves.

Kou grabbed him by his uniform.

"Keep it down, you're being loud."


"What happened?"

"He was just being a bit harsh today."

"How harsh?"

"He threatened to put me in the kitchen with the chefs."

"Oh hell no, let me go." Yuka tried escaping his sister's grip.

"Yuka, calm down."
"Did he say anything else that made you upset?"

"No, it was the same stuff over again, calling me a girl and all."

"That's the final straw." Yuka kept pulling against Kou's grip.

"Buy more." Kou tugged him back.

"Maybe you can get the Queen to talk to him?"

"I doubt it, it was her mother's decision and whatever she says goes automatically. There's nobody who overrules her."

"That's bullshit! Let me at him dammit!"

"Yuka shut the fuck up for just one minute!" She snapped.

"Where's Maki? I haven't seen her all day." Kou looked around the room.

"She should be here somewhere, if not, then she's doing Queen preparation stuff." Y/n brightened up a bit.

"Well someones happy now.." Yuka mumbled to himself.

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