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Not even a good 30 minutes into the one-sided fight, and they've already lost an incredible amount of people. Most were injured, but the others were as good as gone. The injured were impaled by swords, stabbed, or were in the radius of some of the bombs thrown. People who have attempted to get others out of the way—so they wouldn't become one of the deceased—tried their absolute hardest to get to a safe place fast enough, but they either couldn't make it and were killed or didn't have strength to carry them any further.

They helped stop the blood gushing out of his neck, applying pressure to the wound and quickly placing a bandage to hold it in place. Not wanting to waste the minimal time they had, they left him there and continued with the current enemy.


'I told you to be careful, Y/n!' Maki scolded her friend, applying the rubbing alcohol onto their face.

'I was careful!' Y/n spoke.

'Not careful enough. You took a bad tumble from that hill.'

As per usual, the two had snuck out and ran off temporarily. For that days adventure, Y/n found this large steep hill that pretty much resembled a mountain and decided to climb it. Of course, Maki was against this and protested agaisnt them doing something so dangerous, in a failed effort to convince her they would be fine once they got down, Y/n tripped, dramatically falling and tumbling down the hill to the road of unconsciousness.

'Are you sure you're okay?' She looked at their face, cupping her cheek.

'If you're fine, I'm fine.' Y/n smiled at her.

There they go. Brushing everything off with that beautiful smile of theirs, all of Maki's problems would fade away just seeing them smile like everything was okay. Even through the toughest times, she would picture them smiling at her just to make herself feel better.

'Where'd you learn to use aid kits?' Y/n peeked over at the box.

'I was taught. I have to learn this kind of stuff for when I get married.' She explained, sitting next to them.


'Did I say something?'

'No. It's just the thought of being forced to be married. To a man of all things, it seems weird.'

'Don't expect me to say yes.' Maki laughed.

'The last thing I wanna do is be with someone I don't love.'

'If I were a guy, would you marry me?'


"Y/n!" Someone called out.

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