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Y/n folded their arms in partial disgust as they watched Yuka getting along with Megumi.

"Wasn't he just whining because he was too scared to say 'hello' to him?" Ryuko questioned.

"I threatened him."

"If that's your way of telling me you need help, we can stop by the village and talk to the pharmacist."

"How's medicine gonna help?"

"I'm sure they have something for whatever's wrong with you."

"Bite me."

"No thank you, too arousing."
"By the way have you spoken to Nobara yet?"

"Nope. I'd assume she's with the king most of the day since Yuuji and Megumi aren't doing anything besides roaming the castle."


"Do you have a thing for her or something?"

"Who knows?"

"Ooo! I'm telling Yuka!"

"Don't. He'll harass me about it."

"Boooo. You're no fun." Y/n pouted.

"You are a grown ass adult, grow up."

"No, I don't think I will."

Ryuko punched them in the arm.


"I have to help the Poinsettia group with the cannons, they wanna prepare quickly just in case. So I won't be here for the rest of the day."
"Behave yourself."

"Okay. See you tomorrow." They waved farewell.

While he walked off, Yuka and Megumi had lead m themselves in Y/n's direction.

"Where's he going?" Yuka wrapped his arms around their neck.

"Poinsettia. They need him for weapon prep."

"Didn't you say Satoru was with them?" Yuka looked at Megumi.

"Yeah. Their pairing up with the Aces." He spoke.

"Isn't captain Kohan the instructor for the Ace group?" Yuka thought.

"I think so. If so, I hope things go well." Y/n frowned.

"How come?" Megumi questioned.

"The junior group for the Aces are the Monarchs, and before coming to the Spade group, he was there for most of his childhood."
"Let's just say once he had to resettle, he was treated.. differently."

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