Chapter 4: Uh Oh

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Chester found a wearable tank top that was buried underneath all of his newer clothing.
Since winter was coming pretty quickly, he wanted to put away his summer clothes so he didn't have to worry about getting them mixed in his warmer clothes pile.

To the best of his knowledge right now, he wouldn't need to worry about summer clothes ever again, nor will he need to think about going outside.

Because he isn't leaving his room ever again.
Chester's not afraid of the consequences that awaited him, he just doesn't want to deal with it....ever. That's why he's staying in his room for the rest of his pathetic days.

Sighing, he lazily flopped onto his bed, finally being able to relax himself...and his back.

No one to bother him, no consequences to fear...all that awaited him was the sweet embrace of sleep....

. . .
Thump Thump
. . . . .
Thump Thump, Thump Thump
. . . . . . . .
Thump Thump, Thump Thump, Thump Thump

Oh, what he would give to stop hearing Parker's far could these abilities reach?!
Chester heard Parker close his bedroom door as he was trying to find a tank top, so he's not that far from him....just down the hall, actually.

It didn't matter though, nothing was going to stop that noise unless he decided to kill him, which was not happening.

It was relaxing to him at one point, but now it just made him anxious. It's probably only beating fast because he's angry about what happened. Yeah, that's definitely it...once Chester steps foot out of his room, he's getting kicked out, or at least scolded at.

Yeah...that sounds about right, at least to him.

He's a freak of nature now, so Parker wouldn't have to do much in order to get rid of him. He'll probably just end up pushing him into the sunlight or something.

To him, as he was laying hopelessly on his bed, arms wrapped around a pillow, contemplating life....
Chester felt like he deserved to burn after what he had done.

But those were just his thoughts, he didn't have anyone else's opinion of him to go off of....

He could ask Parker to make him a nice grave, if he wasn't still mad, that is.
Wait, was he even mad in the first place? He never heard him yelling or anything of that sort when he retreated back to his room.

Maybe...just maybe.....
he didn't care?

A sudden bolt of energy shot through Chester's back as his wings opened themselves in what looked to be excitement.

"Agh! What the hell?!" He groaned, trying to tug one of them back down.
Though, his hand immediately fell back as the familiar sensation of Parker's gentle touch came flying back to him.

His wings fell slack, along with his head, a small gasp following. C'mon, they weren't that sensitive before...surely he can control himself....
. . . .


Parker was in his own room, contemplating everything. He wasn't imagining that, right? Like...he was actually...

(Whatever, he probably just got too into the moment or happens to the best of us.)

And with that small thought of assurance, he shut off his bedroom light for the night, fumbling over a few clothes that were on the ground before making it to his bed.

Clearing his mind for the night was sometimes easy, depending on what he was thinking about beforehand.
This night....might not be his night for sleep, but also when is it ever his night??

He didn't know that Chester would react so...strangely towards his actions, especially just from touching his new wings. Honestly, he probably should've asked first before he decided to rub his entire hand on Chester's newly formed body part.

It probably just caught him by surprise....that's all.


Parker shifted around, laying on his other side, now facing the wall.
Look, he already knew that Chester wasn't straight, and obviously neither was he...

But...did that mean he should just be chill about all of this? He didn't want to freak Chester out by saying something stupid earlier....though in all his honesty,
He really couldn't care less about the whole situation.

It's natural, it happens to every guy at some point, he needs to get over it and go to sleep.

So with a loud, exaggerated sigh, he closed his eyes, hoping to somehow fall asleep quickly.

. . .

But that wasn't happening apparently, because he suddenly started to hear noises in a few rooms over from his, specificity, Chester's room.

At first he wanted to ignore that too, if anything, Chester was probably just goofing off as usual...but then he remembered that he had bat wings and a whole new stack of problems.

So maybe...he should check up on him?

Would that even be necessary? Surely he's alright...he probably just stubbed his toe or something...'s the least he could do after accidentally witnessing...that. He's sure that Chester was just as embarrassed as he was...

Alright, Parker had made his decision after staring at the ceiling for almost five minutes without blinking.

He needed to go check up on Chester. It was the morally right thing to do at this point....


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