Chapter 34: A Small Distraction

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Chester was woken up by the sound of a heartbeat thumping in his ears. It was
uncomfortably loud, obnoxious even.

"Mmm? Wha...turn down the music.." Chester yawned, his voice being muffled by something. He figured it was just his pillow, considering how warm it felt on his lips.

"I believe the room is dead silent, bro." Parker laughed.

Chester's once tired eyes shot wide open, his own heart skipping a beat.
Hesitantly, he moved his hand to get a feel for what he was actually holding onto. Everything seemed to have clicked once that hand not knowingly traveled up Parker's shirt.

"OH! OH MY GOD- SORRY!" Chester yelled, pushing his body away from the other. The room suddenly felt a lot colder.

"Ehh, it's alright, calm down. I've gotten pretty used to you clinging around me." Parker smiled, a tad flustered.

Chester's eyes glanced around the room, stopping at the shut window. Suddenly, everything came flooding back to him in an instant. His lungs felt sore, but he was still able to scream once more, ignoring the pain it gave him in return.

A small hiccup stopped him from yelling the rest, fresh tears soon came after.

"Hey, hey- Chester, come here..." Parker frowned, holding out his arms for the other to sink into, which Chester happily did.
Well, not happily, he's having a full on meltdown.

"Parker! He's...he's dead!" Chester cried, burying his head in his shirt.
"Yeah...b-but! He was going to kill you! You did what you had to do...." Parker declared, gently rubbing Chester's back.

"Why...why did he have to...p-pull a gun on you?? You didn't do anything wrong!" Chester rasped, anger suddenly taking over his other emotions.

"Some people don't think before acting, Cole just happened to be one of those people. You defended yourself, and that's all that matters now." Parker sighed, letting his head rest on Chester's slumped shoulder.

"I...I didn't want to kill him...I don't know what happened..." Chester sniffled, "I just- wanted to keep him down!"
"B-But when I was face to face with him...I just..couldn't control myself anymore." He explained, lifting up his head slowly enough so he didn't accidentally bonk the other on the head.

"Parker, am I a monster?" Chester sorrowfully asked.

He had bat wings, fangs, and a thirst for blood, but in Parker's eyes...Chester could never add up to what a monster truly was.

"Of course you aren't! You're my friend, dude! My BEST friend, even!" Parker exclaimed, putting both hands on Chester's shoulders.

"Friends can still be murderers..." Chester mumbled.

"Chester, you are not a murderer either! You are a guy that just so happens to be stuck in a small limbo, and that's okay! Bro, I'm here for you. I don't care what you do in the future, I'll never give up on you!" Parker stated, determined to keep his promise.

Chester stared at him in awe, not sure how one dude could be so chill about his best friend strangling someone.

In the end, he simply sighed. "I...truly don't understand you. Why are you even still helping me??"

"Because I love you!"

Chester's eyes shot open, and so did Parker's, as if he didn't actually mean to blurt that out loud.

"I're the only best friend I have,'ve been putting up with my shenanigans for so's only fair that I say that at LEAST once to you." Parker quickly explained, unable to stop the blush on his face from forming.

"A-Ah, well, I love you, too! I don't know where I would be without you." Chester smiled, blushing just as much.

"Probably less traumatized."

"Yeahhh....can't argue with that." Chester nodded, leaning forward and laughing into Parker's collarbone.

Chester's laugh was contagious, it always had been. They could be in the worst situation possible and he'll still end up making Parker laugh just by laughing himself.

His sad, cloudy eyes were much brighter when he finally looked back up to meet Parker's. It's been a long few days since Chester was actually seen to be that happy.

It made Parker happy as well.

Unfortunate Circumstances (Parker X Chester)Where stories live. Discover now