Chapter 18: Cheer Up, He's Sad Too!

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It took Chester a while to let go of Parker, but once he did however, he didn't say a word. Chester still looked worried when he walked out the room, going into his own to get clothes for the day.

When were they finally going to have a normal day for once?

Parker decided that it was probably best for him to get ready for the day as well. Stretching his arms up with a yawn, he stood up and walked over to his drawer.


Parker desperately wanted to know about Chester's dream, but it obviously stun him to his core, because when he walked into the living room to grab the laptop, he noticed Chester curled up on the couch. His wings blocked most of him, not allowing Parker to even get the smallest of glances at his face.

Parker let out a small huff, retrieving the laptop from their kitchen table. The nightmare couldn't have been that bad, right??

"Chester? You uh...doing okay?"
What a dumb question. Of course he wasn't okay, he was shielding himself from the world.

Parker didn't get a response, which wasn't all that surprising. He tightened his grip on the laptop, debating whether or not to say anything else. Maybe it was best if he just left Chester alone...or was that a bad idea?

No, no...he needed all the comfort one fruity boi could get during a time like this.

Taking a deep breath, Parker forced his legs to move forward, trying his best not to alarm the other in the process as he sat down next to him.

"Bro, I don't want to see you like this gotta tell me what's up. It doesn't have to be today or anything, I just...want to help you somehow." Parker stated, frowning as Chester didn't even try looking up.

Parker then witnessed one of Chester's wings move a tiny bit away from his face. It wasn't much, but it was progress.

"Whatever happened in that dream, I promise not get mad over it...if it had anything to do about me, that is..." Parker coughed, mentally kicking himself for accidentally making this all about him.

To Parker's surprise though, Chester did in fact nod his head. He heard his breath hitch before speaking. "Partly."

Parker tilted his head to the side. "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

His wings sunk down, revealing Chester's puffy red face. "I don't know!!! I don't know, okay?! Don't you have anything better to do than to just sit here and babysit me?!" He snarled, pushing himself somewhat away from the other. The action didn't do much, for the couch really wasn't all that big.

Chester's eyes caught a glimpse of Parker's sad and confused expression, and he immediately felt guilty for snapping so suddenly at him.

He buried his face into shaky knees, allowing the wings to wrap around him once more. "Sorry...I'm sorry..."

"Chester-hey, there's nothing to apologize for. You have every right to be mad at my stupid choices..." Parker huffed, leaning his back against the couch in a feeble attempt to get comfortable.

The room stayed silent for a few long minutes. Chester could only hear Parker's heartbeat, and Parker could only hear Chester's heavy breathing.

. . . . . . .

"You didn't save me."

Parker lifted his head, raising up an eyebrow. "What?"

" dream. You didn' me. You weren't there." Chester breathed, fidgeting with his hands.
"I don't know i-if you ran away or not...but you just weren't there."

Parker stayed silent for a while, slowly putting the pieces together in his head. Chester never did tell him anything about his last dream, did he?

"Chester...are you having nightmares about that cave...? And those monsters?" Parker quietly asked, receiving a quick nod in response.

"In...In the last dream, died. We both did...but I felt no pain during it." Chester explained, trying his hardest to not trip over words. "But in that weren't there, and I felt...everything."

Parker's heart dropped.

"Every my stomach...every....scream I me nowhere." Chester croaked, lifting up his head to look at the shocked other. "You weren't there. I died alone...that's about it."

. . . .Whoa.

"Dude....that you went through actual hell." Parker muttered.

"Uh huh..."

. . . .

" know I would never actually do that to you, right?" Parker reassured. "Like, leaving you for dead, I mean."

Chester cackled sadly at that, which only made Parker feel more like a douchebag and less of an actual best friend.

"I mean it, bro! I saved you last time, so I'll just keep on saving you again and again!" He declared, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You sayin' I can't save myself?" Chester smiled weakly, sniffling through tears.

"Wha-wh-NO!" Parker quickly objected, "Chester, you can totally defend yourself without my help! I'm just saying if we're ever going to encounter one of those bat things again, you'll most likely need me!"

"I'm one of them now, I doubt that they still care about killing me..." Chester mumbled.

"HEY!" Parker snapped, firmly grabbing ahold of Chester's shoulders. Chester felt his heart skip a beat as he recognized that angry, yet somehow beautiful expression.

"Chester, don't you even DARE say your anything like them, because you absolutely are NOT." Parker ranted, "I know damn well you don't go around killing people left and right at any given moment, and you aren't even close
to being as terrifying!"

Chester let out a genuine laugh that time, making Parker stop mid rant. "Pfff, I'm not scary to you or anything? Like, even with the wings and fangs??"

Parker already had an answer ready, he just didn't expect to blurt it out, or actually even try saying it...


Chester's laughter was put to a halt, along with his breathing. He could already tell that the other didn't mean to say that, considering how red his face was now.

Luckily for him, Parker wasn't alone in the red faced and panicking club.

" I look adorable?" Chester fake coughed, somehow desperately needing air even though it's still surrounding him.

"Uuuuuhhhhh...." Parker was so lost in thought at that point, he couldn't even speak out a full sentence anymore, or even come up with one.

Chester smiled, wiping away tears with his already soaked hand.
"Awwww....that's probably one of the sweetest things you've ever said to me!"


It took Parker a minute to register that he had been pulled into a hug, one that was rather tight, but still loving none the less.

"Thanks, dude...." Chester laughed.

. . . . . . .


Unfortunate Circumstances (Parker X Chester)Where stories live. Discover now