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Tommy was getting anxious. Everyone around him was getting their powers but him. He knew they would come nature but they never did! Hes even been through 2 wars already and nothing! Was be really gonna be the only person here with no power? At this point he would accept anything, he hated being left out. There was also the situation with dream wanting to exile him but he trusted Tubbo and the cabinet. He even had an idea to help deal with dream

Tommy: Everyone is always so ready to do whatever dream says but not me! And I'll make sure l'manburg is the same.

Tubbo: I'm so sorry. But I think the best decision would be to have Tommy.......exiled

Tommy: What?

-Tommy POV-

It felt like the whole world shifted into something wrong. Why would Tubbo agree to something like this? Everyone else sounded fuzzy in my head as I stared back at Tubbo. Did he really think of me as a liability? After everything I've sacrificed for this country? Was I selfish?

At the beginning it was dream and sapnap who would visit me, then aswesamdude, Mexican dream, Drista, even Phil one time. But dream is the one who is always there. I dont know how to feel about that.

...Dream is coming today!
Tommy: What should I do today?

...Ask Dream
Tommy: Not like it matters anyways, if I go mining dream will just take everything away again

...Dream would like that
Tommy: I geuss I'll just farm

I've been feeling off lately. Like its harder to think, although when I told dream about it he just said a joke and we both laughed. Dream is such a good friend, he always knows how to make me laugh

-couple days later-

...Dream is a good friend
Tommy: Hey dream I havent really felt like myself lately

Dream: Oh yeah?

...Ask dream first
Tommy: And well you said everyone can still visit so I was wondering if I can invite everyone to a party I want to have here
....is it ok with dream?

Dream: Hmm. Sure why not, I'll help set up

...Dream is the best!
Tommy: Yes! Thank you dream!
...Dream is a good friend

-At The Party-

...no one cares
Tommy: No one showed up
...no one came

....they arent my friends
Tommy: I asked them to do one thing and they didnt show up
...I bet they'd show up if Tubbo was here

...they arent your friends
Tommy: I bet they'd come if Tubbo was here
...their happy your here

I was so angry. No! Not just angry, but so much more! It felt like my insides wanted to burn and explode at the same time. But before I could let these emotions out I felt a hand on my shoulder. Dream was comforting me. He was making me laugh and smile again, he even let me use his trident!

...Dream is a good friend
Tommy: Dream is such a good friend
...Dream is my only friend

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