Escape and Teaming up

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I was in my tent starring at pictures when something in my head clicked. Looking at pictures of all my friends, remembering all the happy times we had with eachother made me realize something.

...Dream is my best friend!
Tommy: When did I become so obedient?
...when is dream coming back?

...I miss dream
Tommy: Is dream my friend?
...Dream is a great friend

...Dream is my only friend
Tommy: What am I saying of course hes not my friend!
...Dream was the only one there

...hes the only one who cares
Tommy: Hes the only one who visited me but, no hes not my friend! Right?
....Tubbo is happy I'm gone

...I need to listen to dream!
Tommy: I need to leave!
...I dont want dream mad

-At technos house!-

It's so cold! I think I got too used to my island "home"

...I need to go back!
Tommy: I need to find shelter, a cave or something!
...Dream will hate me too

I keep going, fighting off my confusing thoughts until finally I spot a cabin! I go inside and immediately start going through their shit.


I grab some more things and then go deeper into his house and make myself my own room.

.........GO BACK
Tommy: Now this is more like it!! Now I just need to get a log for my prime bell and I'm all set!
....I miss dream

I then climb up out of the house and get a log for my prime bell, I also decided to try to calm myself down cause my head was all types of fucked up after spending so long with dream and alone....

Technoblade: What are you doing at my house?


Tommy: How are you technoblade?

Technoblade: What are you doing at my house Tommy!

Tommy: How are you?


Tommy: YOU. ARE. A. BITCH!

Author: sorry I just loved this scene too much🤣

I quickly back into the little room I built but of course he found me cause he's "the blade" so I had to resort to past tactics for these situations and distract him for as long as I can until he forgets! For awhile it even worked too! I mean i showed him my log and we sponsored eachother, it was great! But eventually he really wanted an explanation and I had no choice but to agree.

......I miss dream. ......let's go back
Tommy: Ok so I got exiled from l'manburg and I got put on this island by dream who is my friend, but is not my friend and hes a bad man! But he was the only one there for me. I hate him!
......Dream is my only friend. ...Dream is great!

Technoblade:..........What? That was so vague!? Ok look the thing I hurd the most out of that, is that you've been exiled from your home right?

....need Dream

Technoblade: Listen Tommy, your government could care less about you

........Dream is the only one who cares
Tommy: W-what? N-no they do care! Right?
...Dream is my only friend

Technoblade: Tommy if they cared, they would have fought for you! Instead they kicked you out so that they could gave it easy

...Need dream
...find Dream

Technoblade: Look Tommy the only reason I'm saying this is because I see a possible team up here. They wronged you, they wronged me. Join me Tommy, let's get revenge on l'manburg

They weren't there
Tommy:................ one came

........Dream is my friend
Tommy:.......Ok. I'll help with revenge but I dont want to destroy it ok
....I miss Dream

Technoblade: Let's go! Minor terrorism!!!

-At night-


The voices are too loud tonight, I cant sleep. Oh well I geuss I'll spend the night preparing our things for our attack on l'manburg. It's been awhile since it's been me and Tommy, wonder what hes beenup to? Maybe I should check on him. What do you say voices?

Blood for the blood God!


Technoblade: Yup weird as always. Ok let's go see Tommy, see if it's not too late past his bedtime

I head down towards "Tommies room" wondering if I should ask him to join me, what he wants to eat tomorrow, or if I should let him sleep? As I get closer to his room I hear something that sounds like struggling. I quickly rush in and see Tommy on the floor, clutching his head and panicking. This scene is very familiar and I hope it's not what I think it is. I rush over to him, lift him by his shoulders and start talking.

Technoblade: Tommy! Focus on my voice! You remember what my voice sounds like right?

Dream. Dream
Tommy: T-techno?
Dream. Dream

Technoblade: Yes it's me Tommy. Tell me what the voices are saying. Do you hear voices?

.......Dream is my friend
Tommy: Voices? N-no these are my thoughts, right?

....I miss Dream

Technoblade: Tommy listen to me, if it's what I think it is then it's very dangerous if you start thinking that's your thoughts. Just tell me what they are saying

....Dream is my only friend
Tommy: No these are my thoughts, theres no way their fake, right? Did I always think this way?
....I need to go bff back to Dream

Technoblade: *sigh* Ok. Stay here I'll be right back

I then go upstairs and make a potion that should help. I then head back down and give Tommy the potion.


When techno comes back he hands me a potion I've never seen before

Technoblade: This will help you with your head but you also need to help it help you

Tommy: What?

Technoblade: Just drink it

If it'll help make things less confusing then fine. When I drink it, it fee lo s like my whole body is going crazy. I cant move my body and techni gas to catch me.

Technoblade: Dont worry, this will help you Tommy

And then I passed out.

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