Lets talk

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Technoblade: How is your head now Tommy?

Tommy:......*snaps fingers by ears*

Technoblade: Tommy?

Tommy: Its clearer now. Easier to think

Technoblade: Ok good, glad to see it wasnt what I thought it was

Tommy: What did you think it was?

Technoblade: You remember how I used to tell you and Wilbur about the voices in my head?

Tommy: Yeah?

Technoblade: I thought it was that, but thankfully it wasnt

Tommy: Oh



Technoblade: Your too quiet! I'm not good in these situations!

Tommy: Sorry I'm just.....really tired right now

Technoblade: Before you sleep I'm gonna need you to tell me all the things that happened to you, including exile


-After a LONG explanation-

Technoblade: I see. Thank you for telling me, you can go to sleep now


After saying that, Tommy immediately passed out unconscious in bed. I went over and tucked him in then headed upstairs to think things through. What is Dreams end game in all this? I can tell this isnt random, this used too much effort. I geuss I'm gonna have to wait until I see Dream again to ask him.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Technoblade: *well that was convenient*

I go up to the door and open it making sure I'm prepared for a fight when it's just Ranboo at the door.

Ranboo: Oh, hi Techno I just thought you wanted to be caught up on what's been happening lately

Technoblade: Hey Ranboo and yes I would like to know. Come in just be quiet, Tommy is sleeping

Ranboo: Tommy is here?

Technoblade: Yeah so make sure no one knows

Ranboo: Ok I promise

Technoblade: Good, now let's go sit so we can talk

(After sitting down and getting situated)

Ranboo: So Tubbo is holding a festival at L'manburg to celebrate peace and new beginnings

Technoblade: Hmph

Ranboo: And Dream will be their to, showing that he respects our country and will be following our laws

Technoblade: Dream will be there?

Ranboo: Oh yeah! Tubbo confirmed it with him and everything

Technoblade: Ranboo tell me everything you can about this festival

Ranboo: Yeah ok

For the rest of the night Ranboo told me everything he can about the festival and the events while I started mapping out plans in my head. When he had nothing else to say about the festival we just started talking about other things.

Technoblade: Ha ha ha! You know I still remember the day when I first for my powers

Ranboo: From what I hurd your power is summoning whithers? Oh gosh this is gonna be a huge story

Technoblade: Yeah it is for both for what you said. When my powers first came out it didnt start as a full blown whither, it was just the effects it gave. I lost control and accidentally hit Wilbur with it. Ne got really sick and me, Phil, and Tommy were freaking out wandering what to do since it was the first time we saw a wither effect. So me and Phil get ready to go on this "awesome quest" to find something impossible to cure Wilbur when suddenly Tommy runs and catches us saying that he cured him! So mw and Phil are their frozen in our places for a few seconds wondering if Tommy got super advanced healing or something and then we finally go to see Wilbur and see that ne actually is cured! So we turn to Tommy, grab him by his shoulders and ask "how the neck did you cure him" AND HE SAYS HE SHARED HIS CEREAL WITH HIM!!!

Ranboo: HAHAHA! Wait! So your telling me you really didnt know the wither effect was cured with milk?

Technoblade: NO! It was the first time we saw any of that before of course we didn't know!

Ranboo: Also how come you all were living together?

Technoblade: Were family

Ranboo: WHAT!?

Technoblade: Oh you didnt know?

Ranboo: NO!

I got up and went to the other room to get a picture to show to Ranboo. It was a picture of me and my dumb brothers from when we were younger. The loon on Ranboos face is priceless.

Ranboo: This is insane. Although this dose explain why Tommy and Wilbur seemed so close in every story I hurd, and why you were willing to help Tommy.

Technoblade: I may not agree with the government, but I'm still gonna help my family

Me and Ranboo then hurd rustling from another room then footsteps, until finally we saw a tired looking Tommy enter the room.

Technoblade: Sorry if we woke you up Tommy

Tommy: No you both didnt *yawn* I woke up normally

Technoblade: Its too late for you to just "wake up" naturally

Tommy:........Bruh it's the morning time

Techno and Ranboo: WHAT!?

It was at that moment me and Ranboo looked outside and saw, yes Tommy was right it was morning.

Ranboo: I have to go! I have work I need to do. Bye! It was good talking with you Techno, bye Tommy sorry we cant talk!

Tommy and Techno: Bye!

Technoblade: So you want breakfast?

Tommy: Yes please

We both went back to the kitchen. Me to the stove so I can make us both food and Tommy to the table while he tried staying up.

Technoblade: Did you have trouble sleeping?

Tommy: No I'm just really tired for some reason

Technoblade: Probably a side effect from the potion. You can go back to sleep after you eat

Tommy: Ok.........What did you both talk about

Technoblade: We mostly talked about the past. K told him about the time you found the cure for a wither effect

Tommy: Haha I remember that

Technoblade: Yeah I told him that. Oh we also talked about hot Tubbo is hosting a festival celebrating peace and that dream will be there showing respects to that country and honoring their laws

Tommy: *stands up and slams table* Tubbo is hosting a festival celebrating peace!

Technoblade: Hey dont slam my table

Tommy didnt respond and instead seemed lost in his own world until finally he snapped out of it

Tommy: Wait did you say Dream was going to honor the laws?

Technoblade; Yeah?

Tommy: Techno this is our chance to strike! We can kill Dream!

Technoblade: Tommy what are you talking about?

Tommy: Techno one of the laws of the country was no armor! If he will honor the laws that means he will show up with no armor!

Technoblade: Ok we'll plan after you eat and sleep, ok?

Tommy: Ok

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